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  • [Free] Aeon Thiever


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    • 3 weeks later...
    On 8/17/2020 at 9:26 AM, Aeon said:



    - Select target, food type/quantity, eat %, and level goal.

    - Start with player near desired target.

    - Profit.



    - Men/Women (Level 1)

    - Farmer (Level 10)

    - Al-Kharid warrior (Level 25)

    - Rogue (Level 32)

    - Cave goblin (Level 36)

    - Master Farmer (Level 38)

    - Guard (Level 40)

    - Knight of Ardougne (Level 55)

    - Paladin (Level 70)

    - Gnome (Level 75)

    - Hero (Level 80)

    - Vyre (Level 82)

    *More to come in future updates




    - Baker's Stall (Level 5, Ardougne)

    - Tea Stall (Level 5, Varrock)

    - Fruit Stall (Level 25, Hosidius East House)

    *More to come in future updates



    - Thieving level for specified target (duh)

    - 15% Hosidius favor for Fruit Stall.

    - Food in bank if pickpocketing



    - Target:

    • Men
    • Baker's Stall
    • Tea Stall
    • Fruit Stall
    • Al-Kharid warrior
    • Guard

    - Food:

    • Shrimps
    • Trout
    • Salmon
    • Tuna
    • Lobster
    • Swordfish
    • Monkfish
    • Shark

    - Stop At Level:

    • Set a specific level goal to automatically stop the bot when reached.

    - Eat at %:

    • Eat at a specific health percentage when pickpocketing.

    - Action Delay:

    • Adds a random delay between actions such as pickpocketing, stealing from stalls, eating, etc.
    • At 1 (minimum), there will be no extra delay, at 100 (maximum), there will be a random delay of 1-3 seconds between actions.








    Change log:

      Reveal hidden contents

    September 22, 2020:

    - Updated script to DreamBot 3.

    - Fixed Vyre pickpocketing. When selected, it will now pickpocket Nakasa Jovkai and Vallessia von Pitt.


    August 31, 2020:

    - Added option for Action Delay in between actions.


    August 24, 2020:

    - Added selection for Food Quantity.

    - Fixed bug where Vyres were not able to be pickpocketed properly.

    - Added Master Farmer support.


    August 20, 2020:

    - Added GUI support for Dreambot 3.

    - Fixed bug where coin pouch would not always open.

    - Added new pickpocket targets:

    • Rogue
    • Cave goblin
    • Knight of Ardougne
    • Paladin
    • Gnome
    • Hero
    • Vyre

    Bug Reporting:

    If you run into an issue, please post here or message me directly here with this format:

    1. Short description of bug:

    2. What were the settings used:

    3: How do you reproduce it:

    4: Any other relevant information: 



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    Can you please add cakes as a food choice

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    • 2 weeks later...
    • 2 months later...

    Fruit stalls:

    When it starts auto dropping (With Shift click drop enabled), the bot shift clicks all fruits from top to bottom which is good BUT once it gets to the last row it Right Clicks>Drop for the last 4. Seems very bot like considering it's easier to just shift click.



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    • 4 weeks later...
    • 5 months later...
    • 7 months later...

    Hey! there seems to be a problem with the ardy knights. In the bank room where they usually are, locates a ladder which the bot usually click on sometimes in accident. The bot has no clue how to get down though. Could you please fix this?

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