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  • What are the requirements for a proxy to work?


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    I'm extremely new, so apologies for the ignorance. I have read a few tutorials here on the forums as well as watched a couple youtube videos, but I cannot for the life of me get a proxy to work. I open the launcher, create/select a proxy, then nothing. The process just sits in the background until I terminate it. I tried reading other threads of people issues as well. I've seen things like socks5 and https requirements for proxies, and I've tried both of those. I've added proxies from the client and also edited the proxies file. Nothing seems to work for me.


    What is the process it goes through while launching the client? Is it constantly waiting for a reply from the proxy? I've tried probably 5-10 different proxies, they can't all be bad, right?

    Any help is much appreciated, thanks.

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    To be clear, you're pressing the launch client button after selecting a proxy right?

    Does the DreamBot client come up after you press that? If not, make sure you're running Java 8.

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