Andrew74 0 Share Posted January 17, 2020 This plugin removes the tedious job of manually calculating the total cost of alchables when buying from other players in smithing clans. Displays a HUD of how many Rune 2h/Addy PL8/Mith PL8 can be purchased and the cost of the quantity. In addition, it will automatically offer the correct amount of coins and complete a trade when purchasing alchables from other players. (It does not accept trades automatically; the player must initiate a trade for this feature to take over control) Prices are based off the "W308 Anvil" clan chat. Prices can be adjusted in the plugin variables. (_r2hPrice, _addyPl8Price, ...) This is my first DB plugin/script; if there are any obvious mistakes, please let me know. Regards,Andrew74 package mainplugin; import java.awt.*; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import org.dreambot.api.methods.Calculations; import org.dreambot.api.methods.widget.Widget; import org.dreambot.api.plugin.Plugin; import org.dreambot.api.plugin.PluginManifest; import org.dreambot.api.script.listener.AdvancedMessageListener; import org.dreambot.api.wrappers.items.Item; import org.dreambot.api.wrappers.widgets.WidgetChild; import org.dreambot.api.wrappers.widgets.message.Message; @PluginManifest(author = "Andrew74", name = "W308 Anvil", version = 3.9) public class MainPlugIn extends Plugin { private String _Version = "3.9"; private boolean _exited = false, _scriptPausec = false; private Font font; private Thread thread; private DecimalFormat formatter; private Item _invCoins = null, _myOfferCoins = null; private int _r2hQty = 0, _addyPl8Qty = 0, _mithPl8Qty = 0, _r2hBalanceDue = 0, _addyPl8BalanceDue = 0, _mithPl8BalanceDue = 0; private final int _r2hPrice = 37950, _addyPl8Price = 9600, _mithPl8Price = 2800; private String _plugInStatus = null, _tradingWithUsername = null; private long _tradeWindowOpen = 0, _tradeWindowZeroBalance = 0; public HashMap<String, Integer> _avoidPlayers; public void onStart() { font = new Font("Arial", 0, 11); formatter = new DecimalFormat("#,###"); _avoidPlayers = new HashMap<>(); log("Starting Plugin"); thread = new Thread(){ public void run(){ log("Thread Running"); while(!_exited && getClient().getInstance().getPluginManager().isPluginRunning(MainPlugIn.class)) { try { sleep(50); // _plugInStatus = "Idle"; _invCoins = getInventory().get(i -> i != null && i.getName().equals("Coins")); _r2hQty = 0; _addyPl8Qty = 0; _mithPl8Qty = 0; _r2hBalanceDue = 0; _addyPl8BalanceDue = 0; _mithPl8BalanceDue = 0; if(getTrade().isOpen()) { WidgetChild _username = GetWidget_HELPER(335, 31, -1); if(_username != null && _username.isVisible()) _tradingWithUsername = _username.getText().replace("Trading With: ", ""); if(_tradingWithUsername == null || _tradingWithUsername.length() == 0) { _plugInStatus = "Username not found"; continue; } // Avoid any annoying players. Normal players shouldn't hit this threshold if(GetUserPoints(_tradingWithUsername) > Calculations.random(7, 12)) { _plugInStatus = "Declined trade - User avoided"; getTrade().declineTrade(); sleepUntil(()->!getTrade().isOpen(), 10000); continue; } // if(!_scriptPausec) { // if(getClient().getInstance().getScriptManager().isRunning()) { // getClient().getInstance().getScriptManager().pause(); // sleepUntil(() -> getClient().getInstance().getScriptManager().isPaused(), 5000); // _scriptPausec = true; // } // } // Record when the trade window opened if(_tradeWindowOpen == 0) _tradeWindowOpen = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Record when the trade window opened if(_tradeWindowZeroBalance == 0) _tradeWindowZeroBalance = System.currentTimeMillis(); _plugInStatus = "Trade Init with " + _tradingWithUsername; _myOfferCoins = null; Item[] _thierItems = getTrade().getTheirItems(); if (_thierItems != null) { for (Item _i : _thierItems) { if (_i != null) { if (_i.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Rune 2h sword")) { _r2hQty = _i.getAmount(); _r2hBalanceDue = _i.getAmount() * _r2hPrice; } else if (_i.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Adamant platebody")) { _addyPl8Qty = _i.getAmount(); _addyPl8BalanceDue = _i.getAmount() * _addyPl8Price; } else if (_i.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Mithril platebody")) { _mithPl8Qty = _i.getAmount(); _mithPl8BalanceDue = _i.getAmount() * _mithPl8Price; } } } } Item[] _myItems = getTrade().getMyItems(); if (_myItems != null) { for (Item _m : _myItems) { if (_m != null && _m.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Coins")) { _myOfferCoins = _m; break; } } } int _totalBalance = _r2hBalanceDue + _addyPl8BalanceDue + _mithPl8BalanceDue; _plugInStatus = "Waiting for player offer"; if(_totalBalance > 0) { _tradeWindowZeroBalance = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (getTrade().isOpen(1)) { _plugInStatus = "Trade Window 1 Opened"; if (_myOfferCoins != null) { if (_myOfferCoins.getAmount() != _totalBalance) { _plugInStatus = "Resetting Offer"; final Item _tradeCoinsLamba = _myOfferCoins; getTrade().removeItem(_tradeCoinsLamba, _tradeCoinsLamba.getAmount()); _myOfferCoins = null; sleep(Calculations.random(100, 750)); } } if (_myOfferCoins == null && _invCoins != null) { sleep(Calculations.random(3000, 7000)); if (_totalBalance <= _invCoins.getAmount()) { _plugInStatus = "Offering Balance Due"; final Item _tradeCoinsLamba = _myOfferCoins; getTrade().addItem(_invCoins, _totalBalance); sleep(Calculations.random(100, 750)); } else { _plugInStatus = "Insuffient funds"; getTrade().declineTrade(1); // Player putting too much in AddPointToUser(_tradingWithUsername, Calculations.random(1, 2)); } } else if (_myOfferCoins != null) { if (_myOfferCoins.getAmount() <= _totalBalance) { _plugInStatus = "Accepting Trade Window 1"; getTrade().acceptTrade(1); sleep(Calculations.random(100, 250)); // If the other user changed the offer, we need to update our offer sleepUntil(() -> { WidgetChild w2 = GetWidget_HELPER(335, 30, -1); return getTrade().isOpen(2) || (w2 != null && w2.isVisible() && !w2.getText().equalsIgnoreCase("Waiting for other player...")); }, Calculations.random(10000, 15000)); WidgetChild w = GetWidget_HELPER(335, 30, -1); // Other player never accepted or changed the offer if (w != null && w.isVisible() && w.getText().equalsIgnoreCase("Waiting for other player...")) { if (!getTrade().isOpen(2)) { _plugInStatus = "Trade Declined (Trade window 1 timeout)"; getTrade().declineTrade(1); // Player didn't accept the last window and let timeout AddPointToUser(_tradingWithUsername, Calculations.random(1, 3)); } } else { _plugInStatus = "Offer updated?"; sleep(Calculations.random(500, 1500)); } } } } else if (getTrade().isOpen(2)) { _plugInStatus = "Trade Window 2 Opened"; if (_myOfferCoins != null && _myOfferCoins.getAmount() <= _totalBalance) { _plugInStatus = "Accepting Trade Window 2"; sleep(Calculations.random(100, 2000)); getTrade().acceptTrade(2); sleepUntil(() -> !getTrade().isOpen(), Calculations.random(10000, 15000)); if (getTrade().isOpen(2)) { _plugInStatus = "Trade Declined (Trade window 2 timeout)"; getTrade().declineTrade(2); // Player didn't accept the last window and let timeout AddPointToUser(_tradingWithUsername, Calculations.random(1, 2)); } else { _plugInStatus = "Trade Accepted...?"; } } else { _plugInStatus = "Declining Trade Window 2"; sleep(Calculations.random(250, 1000)); getTrade().declineTrade(2); // User modified the trade to be unfair AddPointToUser(_tradingWithUsername, Calculations.random(1, 3)); } } } else { if((System.currentTimeMillis() - _tradeWindowZeroBalance) > Calculations.random(15000, 20000)) { _plugInStatus = "Declined trade - zero balance max timeout reached"; getTrade().declineTrade(); sleepUntil(()->!getTrade().isOpen(), 10000); _tradeWindowZeroBalance = 0; // User left the trade window time out AddPointToUser(_tradingWithUsername, Calculations.random(2, 4)); } } if((System.currentTimeMillis() - _tradeWindowOpen) > Calculations.random(35000, 60000)) { _plugInStatus = "Declined trade - max timeout reached"; getTrade().declineTrade(); sleepUntil(()->!getTrade().isOpen(), 10000); _tradeWindowOpen = 0; // User let the trade window time out AddPointToUser(_tradingWithUsername, Calculations.random(2, 4)); } } else { // User canceled the trade add a point AddPointToUser(_tradingWithUsername, Calculations.random(1, 2)); // Reset when the trade window is closed _tradeWindowZeroBalance = 0; _tradeWindowOpen = 0; _tradingWithUsername = null; // Reinstate the bot // if(_scriptPausec) { // if(getClient().getInstance().getScriptManager().isPaused()) { // getClient().getInstance().getScriptManager().resume(); // sleepUntil(() -> getClient().getInstance().getScriptManager().isRunning(), 5000); // _scriptPausec = false; // } // } } } catch (Exception ee) { log(ee.toString()); } } log("Thread Exited"); } }; log("Starting Plugin Thread"); thread.start(); log("Started Plugin Thread"); } public void onExit() { _exited = true; } public void onPaint(Graphics g) { g.setFont(font); g.setColor(; if(_invCoins != null) { Rectangle _rec2 = getInventory().slotBounds(_invCoins.getSlot()); double _price = _r2hPrice, _qty = Math.floor(_invCoins.getAmount() / _price); g.drawString("R2H: " + (int) _qty + " (" + formatter.format((int) (_qty * _price)) + ")", _rec2.x - 10, _rec2.y + _rec2.height + 15); _price = _addyPl8Price; _qty = Math.floor(_invCoins.getAmount() / _addyPl8Price); g.drawString("Addy PL8: " + (int) _qty + " (" + formatter.format((int) (_qty * _price)) + ")", _rec2.x - 10, _rec2.y + _rec2.height + 30); _price = _mithPl8Price; _qty = Math.floor(_invCoins.getAmount() / _mithPl8Price); g.drawString("Mith PL8: " + (int) _qty + " (" + formatter.format((int) (_qty * _price)) + ")", _rec2.x - 10, _rec2.y + _rec2.height + 45); } if(getTrade().isOpen(1)) { int _totalBalance = _r2hBalanceDue + _addyPl8BalanceDue + _mithPl8BalanceDue; WidgetChild w = GetWidget_HELPER(335, 28, 0); if (w != null && w.isVisible()) { g.drawString("Total: " + formatter.format(_totalBalance) + " (R:" + _r2hQty + ", A:" + _addyPl8Qty + ", M:" + _mithPl8Qty + ")", w.getRectangle().x, w.getRectangle().y + w.getRectangle().height + 15); } if(_invCoins == null || ((_myOfferCoins != null ? _myOfferCoins.getAmount() : 0) + _invCoins.getAmount()) < _totalBalance) { WidgetChild _myInv_slot_1 = GetWidget_HELPER(335, 25, 0); if (_myInv_slot_1 != null && _myInv_slot_1.isVisible()) { g.setColor(; g.drawString("Insufficient funds: (" + formatter.format(_totalBalance - (_invCoins == null ? 0 : _invCoins.getAmount())) + ")", _myInv_slot_1.getX() + 15, _myInv_slot_1.getY() + 15); } } } if(_plugInStatus != null) { g.drawString(_plugInStatus, 24, 36); } g.setColor(Color.yellow); g.drawString(_Version, 745, 15); } private WidgetChild GetWidget_HELPER(int PC, int C, int GC) { Widget pw = null; WidgetChild w = null; pw = getWidgets().getWidget(PC); if(pw != null) { w = pw.getChild(C); if(GC > -1) { if (w != null) { w = w.getChild(GC); } else w = null; } } return w; } private void AddPointToUser(String _username, int _value) { if(_avoidPlayers.containsKey(_username)) _avoidPlayers.put(_username, _avoidPlayers.get(_username) + _value); else _avoidPlayers.put(_username, _value); } private void ClearUserPoints(String _username) { if(_avoidPlayers.containsKey(_username)) _avoidPlayers.remove(_username); } private int GetUserPoints(String _username) { if(_avoidPlayers.containsKey(_username)) return _avoidPlayers.get(_username).intValue(); return 0; } } Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wakewakaranai 11 Share Posted June 28, 2020 nice idea ^^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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