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  • ZenGUI - Generic Script Settings GUI


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    Hey guys! I have been working on a few scripts and I quickly realized making GUIs for customizing script settings on the fly was going to drive me nuts. So I decided it was worth the time to create a simple multi-purpose reusable generic Swing GUI creator that required minimal effort to setup and use for all types of scripts.

    I recently finished this project and figured I should share it with the community to make life easier for anyone else in my position :)

    This standalone class will completely manage all of your script inputs with ease. It will even store the settings for each character profile (java.util.prefs.Preferences) so that if you prefer different settings for different accounts for the same script then it will save that information between use. The color theme matches Dreambot so it has a nice aesthetic, although there is plenty of room for improvement if you have the time and patience to tinker with the code.


    Here is what it looks like:




    A super quick example of using it would be something like this:

    ZenGUI gui;
    public void onStart() {
        gui = new ZenGUI(this);
        gui.addPanel("Script", "Script settings");
        // 0 = PanelID (in order of when it was added)
        gui.addComboInput(0, "Fish Type", "fishtype", "Lobster", "Swordfish");
        gui.addBooleanInput(0, "Cook Fish", "cook", true);
        // GUI will make script wait until START or CANCEL is pressed
        // Any code after this will not execute unless START has been pressed
        log("Script started.");
    public int onLoop() {
        if(!getInventory().isFull()) { // Catch fish
            if(gui.getInt("fishtype") == 0) { // Lobsters
            } else
            if(gui.getInt("fishtype") == 1) { // Swordfish
        } else
        if(gui.getBoolean("cook")) { // Cook fish
        } else // Drop fish
        return 500;


    Here are the main methods:

    // This creates a ZenGUI with the given Script reference class
    ZenGUI(AbstractScript script) 
    // GUI Creation
    void addPanel(String title, String tooltip)
    void addStringInput(int panelID, String title, String key, String tooltip, String defaultValue)
    void addIntegerInput(int panelID, String title, String key, String tooltip, int defaultValue, int min, int max)
    void addBooleanInput(int panelID, String title, String key, String tooltip, boolean defaultValue)
    void addSliderInput(int panelID, String title, String key, String tooltip, int defaultValue, int min, int max, int majorTicks, int minorTicks)
    void addComboInput(int panelID, String title, String key, String tooltip, int defaultValue, String... list)
    // Parameter retrieval
    String getString(String key)
    int getInt(String key)
    boolean getBoolean(String key)
    // GUI Modification
    void setValue(String key, Object value)
    void setEnabled(String key, boolean enabled)
    void setTooltip(String key, String tip)  
    // GUI Display
    boolean show()
    boolean finished()
    void setIconImage(String URL)


    Here is the base source code:

    import org.dreambot.api.script.AbstractScript;
    import org.dreambot.core.Instance;
    import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder;
    import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent;
    import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    import java.awt.event.FocusEvent;
    import java.awt.event.FocusListener;
    import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.net.URL;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.prefs.Preferences;
     * This class creates a generic re-usable script settings GUI.
     * It will also save and load the input data for each OSRS account between use.
     * @author Zenarchist
     * @version 1.0
    public class ZenGUI implements ActionListener, FocusListener, ChangeListener {
        // Main class variables
        private boolean START_BUTTON_PRESSED = false;
        private boolean CANCEL_BUTTON_PRESSED = false;
        private final int WIDTH = 420;
        private final int HEIGHT = 250;
        private Preferences SAVE;
        // GUI components
        private JFrame frame;
        private JTabbedPane tabbedPane;
        // JPanels (Panel ID = order in which it was added)
        private ArrayList<JPanel> TAB_PANELS = new ArrayList<>();
        // Input components
        private HashMap<String, JTextField> INPUT_TEXTFIELDS = new HashMap<>();
        private HashMap<String, JSpinner> INPUT_SPINNERS = new HashMap<>();
        private HashMap<String, JCheckBox> INPUT_CHECKBOX = new HashMap<>();
        private HashMap<String, JSlider> INPUT_SLIDER = new HashMap<>();
        private HashMap<String, JComboBox> INPUT_COMBO = new HashMap<>();
        // Raw input collections
        private HashMap<String, String> SETTINGS_TEXT = new HashMap<>();
        private HashMap<String, Integer> SETTINGS_INT = new HashMap<>();
        private HashMap<String, Boolean> SETTINGS_BOOL = new HashMap<>();
        // Colors
        private Color COL_FOREGROUND = Color.white;
        private Color COL_HIGHLIGHT = new Color(241, 182, 90);
        private Color COL_BACKGROUND = new Color(80, 100, 116);
        private Color COL_FRAME_BACKGROUND = new Color(70, 88, 102);
        // Default Font
        private Font DEFAULT_FONT = new Font("Courier New", Font.BOLD, 14);
        // Script helper class
        private AbstractScript script;
        // Location of frame icon image
        private String ICON_URL = "https://dreambot.org/forums/uploads/monthly_2018_08/zenarchist.png.082672c17e9b51500ee1d0f2d1565d73.png";
        // This creates a ZenGUI with the given Script class (for access to AbstractScript)
        public ZenGUI(AbstractScript script) {
            this.script = script;
            this.SAVE = Preferences.userNodeForPackage(ZenGUI.class);
            // Setup JFrame
            frame = new JFrame(script.getManifest().name() + " GUI");
            frame.setSize(WIDTH, HEIGHT);
            frame.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(WIDTH, HEIGHT));
            frame.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(WIDTH, HEIGHT));
            tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane();
        // Sets up the custom UI look & feel colors for the Tabbed Pane to match DB's color theme
        private void setupThemeColors() {
            UIManager.put("TabbedPane.borderColor", COL_FRAME_BACKGROUND);
            UIManager.put("TabbedPane.darkShadow", COL_FRAME_BACKGROUND);
            UIManager.put("TabbedPane.light", COL_FRAME_BACKGROUND);
            UIManager.put("TabbedPane.highlight", COL_FRAME_BACKGROUND);
            UIManager.put("TabbedPane.focus", COL_FRAME_BACKGROUND);
            UIManager.put("TabbedPane.selected", COL_FRAME_BACKGROUND);
            UIManager.put("TabbedPane.unselectedBackground", COL_FRAME_BACKGROUND);
            UIManager.put("TabbedPane.selectHighlight", COL_FRAME_BACKGROUND);
            UIManager.put("TabbedPane.tabAreaBackground", COL_FRAME_BACKGROUND);
            UIManager.put("TabbedPane.borderHightlightColor", Color.white);
            UIManager.put("TabbedPane.contentBorderInsets", new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0));
        // Adds a panel to the main tabbed pane
        public void addPanel(String title, String tooltip) {
            JPanel newPanel = new JPanel();
            newPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(0, 2));
            newPanel.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(5, 5, 5, 5));
            tabbedPane.addTab(title, null, newPanel, tooltip);
        // Short-hand for adding panel inputs
        public void addStringInput(int panelID, String title, String key, String defaultValue) {
            addStringInput(panelID, title, key, null, defaultValue);
        // Adds a String input to the GUI
        public void addStringInput(int panelID, String title, String key, String tooltip, String defaultValue) {
            JLabel label = getLabel(title);
            JTextField field = new JTextField();
            // Setup text field
            // Add the new components to the content pane
            JPanel p = TAB_PANELS.get(panelID);
            if(p == null) {
                script.log("[GUI] Error: Panel ID is null - " + panelID);
            INPUT_TEXTFIELDS.put(key, field);
        // Short-hand for adding panel inputs
        public void addIntegerInput(int panelID, String title, String key, int defaultValue, int min, int max) {
            addIntegerInput(panelID, title, key, null, defaultValue, min, max);
        // Adds an Integer input to the GUI
        public void addIntegerInput(int panelID, String title, String key, String tooltip, int defaultValue, int min, int max) {
            JLabel label = getLabel(title);
            SpinnerNumberModel snm = new SpinnerNumberModel(defaultValue, min, max, 1);
            JSpinner spinner = new JSpinner(snm);
            // Setup the spinner
            // Search for and set the JSpinner's textfield paramters
            for(int i = 0; i < spinner.getEditor().getComponents().length; i++) {
                Component c = spinner.getEditor().getComponent(i);
                if(c instanceof JTextField) {
                    ((JTextField) c).setCaretColor(COL_HIGHLIGHT);
                    ((JTextField) c).setSelectionColor(COL_HIGHLIGHT);
                    ((JTextField) c).setColumns(4);
                    ((JTextField) c).setHorizontalAlignment(JTextField.CENTER);
            // Add the new components to the content pane
            JPanel p = TAB_PANELS.get(panelID);
            if(p == null) {
                script.log("[GUI] Error: Panel ID is null - " + panelID);
            INPUT_SPINNERS.put(key, spinner);
        // Short-hand for adding panel inputs
        public void addBooleanInput(int panelID, String title, String key, boolean defaultValue) {
            addBooleanInput(panelID, title, key, null, defaultValue);
        // Adds an Boolean input to the GUI
        public void addBooleanInput(int panelID, String title, String key, String tooltip, boolean defaultValue) {
            JLabel label = getLabel(title);
            JCheckBox checkbox = new JCheckBox();
            // Setup the checkbox
            // Add the new components to the content pane
            JPanel p = TAB_PANELS.get(panelID);
            if(p == null) {
                script.log("[GUI] Error: Panel ID is null - " + panelID);
            INPUT_CHECKBOX.put(key, checkbox);
        // Short-hand for adding panel inputs
        public void addSliderInput(int panelID, String title, String key, int defaultValue, int min, int max, int majorTicks, int minorTicks) {
            addSliderInput(panelID, title, key, null, defaultValue, min, max, majorTicks, minorTicks);
        // Adds a Slider input to the GUI
        public void addSliderInput(int panelID, String title, String key, String tooltip, int defaultValue, int min, int max, int majorTicks, int minorTicks) {
            JLabel label = getLabel(title);
            JSlider slider = new JSlider(JSlider.HORIZONTAL, min, max, defaultValue);
            // Setup the checkbox
            slider.setToolTipText("Value: " + slider.getValue() + (slider.getName().equals("antibanrate") ? "%" : ""));
            // Add the new components to the content pane
            JPanel p = TAB_PANELS.get(panelID);
            if(p == null) {
                script.log("[GUI] Error: Panel ID is null - " + panelID);
            INPUT_SLIDER.put(key, slider);
        // Short-hand for adding panel inputs
        public void addComboInput(int panelID, String title, String key, int defaultValue, String... list) {
            addComboInput(panelID, title, key,  null, defaultValue, list);
        // Adds a Slider input to the GUI
        public void addComboInput(int panelID, String title, String key, String tooltip, int defaultValue, String... list) {
            JLabel label = getLabel(title);
            JComboBox combo = new JComboBox(list);
            // Setup the checkbox
            // Add the new components to the content pane
            JPanel p = TAB_PANELS.get(panelID);
            if(p == null) {
                script.log("[GUI] Error: Panel ID is null - " + panelID);
            INPUT_COMBO.put(key, combo);
        // Returns a label with the given text
        private JLabel getLabel(String text) {
            JLabel label = new JLabel();
            JTextField field = new JTextField();
            // Setup label
            label.setText(" " + text + ": ");
            return label;
        // Builds and shows the GUI to the user
        public boolean show() {
            // Enable mouse & keyboard input to the game while the GUI is open
            // Add START & CANCEL buttons to each tab
            for(JPanel p : TAB_PANELS) {
                JButton startBtn = new JButton("START");
                JButton cancelBtn = new JButton("CANCEL");
            // This loop waits for the frame to close before allowing the script to start
            while(!finished()) { script.sleep(10); }
            if(CANCEL_BUTTON_PRESSED) {
                return false;
            } else
            // Script has started - disable input
            return true;
        // This method prints the input settings to console (for debugging purposes)
        private void printSettings() {
            String print = "";
            for(String k : SETTINGS_TEXT.keySet()) {
                String value = SETTINGS_TEXT.get(k);
                    print = print + k + "=" + value + ",";
            for(String k : SETTINGS_INT.keySet()) {
                int value = SETTINGS_INT.get(k);
                print = print + k + "=" + value + ",";
            for(String k : SETTINGS_BOOL.keySet()) {
                boolean value = SETTINGS_BOOL.get(k);
                print = print + k + "=" + value + ",";
            script.log("[GUI] " + print.substring(0, print.length()-1));
        // This method returns true if the user has clicked START or CANCEL
        public boolean finished() {
        // Returns the user input for the given String variable key
        public String getString(String key) {
            return SETTINGS_TEXT == null ? "null" : SETTINGS_TEXT.get(key);
        // Returns the user input for the given Integer variable key
        public int getInt(String key) {
            return SETTINGS_INT == null ? -1 : SETTINGS_INT.get(key);
        // Returns the user input for the given Boolean variable key
        public boolean getBoolean(String key) {
            return SETTINGS_BOOL == null ? false : SETTINGS_BOOL.get(key);
        // This method stores the input values into a raw datatype collection
        private void storeSettings() {
            // Store raw values from UI elements and save application preferences
            for(String k : INPUT_TEXTFIELDS.keySet()) {
                SETTINGS_TEXT.put(k, INPUT_TEXTFIELDS.get(k).getText());
                SAVE.put(script.getLocalPlayer().getName() + "-" + k, INPUT_TEXTFIELDS.get(k).getText());
            for(String k : INPUT_SPINNERS.keySet()) {
                SETTINGS_INT.put(k, (int) INPUT_SPINNERS.get(k).getValue());
                SAVE.putInt(script.getLocalPlayer().getName() + "-" + k, (int) INPUT_SPINNERS.get(k).getValue());
            for(String k : INPUT_CHECKBOX.keySet()) { // Store as string because you can't use pref.getBoolean(key, null) == null as booleans don't allow for null values
                SETTINGS_BOOL.put(k, INPUT_CHECKBOX.get(k).isSelected());
                SAVE.put(script.getLocalPlayer().getName() + "-" + k, INPUT_CHECKBOX.get(k).isSelected() == true ? "true" : "false");
            for(String k : INPUT_SLIDER.keySet()) {
                SETTINGS_INT.put(k, INPUT_SLIDER.get(k).getValue());
                SAVE.putInt(script.getLocalPlayer().getName() + "-" + k, INPUT_SLIDER.get(k).getValue());
            for(String k : INPUT_COMBO.keySet()) {
                SETTINGS_INT.put(k, INPUT_COMBO.get(k).getSelectedIndex());
                SAVE.putInt(script.getLocalPlayer().getName() + "-" + k, INPUT_COMBO.get(k).getSelectedIndex());
            // Clean up UI components to save RAM
            INPUT_TEXTFIELDS = null;
            INPUT_SPINNERS = null;
            INPUT_CHECKBOX = null;
            INPUT_SLIDER = null;
            INPUT_COMBO = null;
        // Loads any saved data from the system to display into the UI
        private void loadPreferences() {
            // First check text fields
            for(String s : INPUT_TEXTFIELDS.keySet()) {
                if (INPUT_TEXTFIELDS.get(s) != null && SAVE.get(script.getLocalPlayer().getName() + "-" + s, null) != null) {
                    JTextField txt = INPUT_TEXTFIELDS.get(s);
                    txt.setText(SAVE.get(script.getLocalPlayer().getName() + "-" + s, null));
            // Next check spinners
            for(String s : INPUT_SPINNERS.keySet()) {
                if (INPUT_SPINNERS.get(s) != null && SAVE.getInt(script.getLocalPlayer().getName() + "-" + s, -1) != -1) {
                    JSpinner spinner = INPUT_SPINNERS.get(s);
                    spinner.setValue(SAVE.getInt(script.getLocalPlayer().getName() + "-" + s, -1));
            // Next check checkboxes
            for(String s : INPUT_CHECKBOX.keySet()) {
                if (INPUT_CHECKBOX.get(s) != null && SAVE.get(script.getLocalPlayer().getName() + "-" + s, null) != null) {
                    JCheckBox box = INPUT_CHECKBOX.get(s);
                    box.setSelected(SAVE.get(script.getLocalPlayer().getName() + "-" + s, null).equals("true"));
            // Next check sliders
            for(String s : INPUT_SLIDER.keySet()) {
                if(INPUT_SLIDER.get(s) != null && SAVE.getInt(script.getLocalPlayer().getName() + "-" + s, -1) != -1) {
                    JSlider slider = INPUT_SLIDER.get(s);
                    slider.setValue(SAVE.getInt(script.getLocalPlayer().getName() + "-" + s, -1));
            // Next check combo boxes
            for(String s : INPUT_COMBO.keySet()) {
                if (INPUT_COMBO.get(s) != null && SAVE.getInt(script.getLocalPlayer().getName() + "-" + s, -1) != -1) {
                    JComboBox box = INPUT_COMBO.get(s);
                    box.setSelectedIndex(SAVE.getInt(script.getLocalPlayer().getName() + "-" + s, -1));
        // Finds the given input component and sets its default value
        // This can only be used by scripts before they call show(), as show() stalls script until START or CANCEL is pressed
        public void setValue(String key, Object value) {
            JComponent c = null;
            // First check text fields
            for(String s : INPUT_TEXTFIELDS.keySet())
                if(s.equals(key) && INPUT_TEXTFIELDS.get(s) != null)
                    c = INPUT_TEXTFIELDS.get(s);
            // Next check spinners
            if(c == null) {
                for(String s : INPUT_SPINNERS.keySet())
                    if(s.equals(key) && INPUT_SPINNERS.get(s) != null)
                        c = INPUT_SPINNERS.get(s);
            // Next check checkboxes
            if(c == null) {
                for(String s : INPUT_CHECKBOX.keySet())
                    if(s.equals(key) && INPUT_CHECKBOX.get(s) != null)
                        c = INPUT_CHECKBOX.get(s);
            // Next check sliders
            if(c == null) {
                for(String s : INPUT_SLIDER.keySet())
                    if(s.equals(key) && INPUT_SLIDER.get(s) != null)
                        c = INPUT_SLIDER.get(s);
            // Next check combo boxes
            if(c == null) {
                for(String s : INPUT_COMBO.keySet())
                    if(s.equals(key) && INPUT_COMBO.get(s) != null)
                        c = INPUT_COMBO.get(s);
            // If the component was found, set the tooltip
            if(c != null) {
                if(c instanceof JTextField) {
                } else
                if(c instanceof JSpinner) {
                } else
                if(c instanceof JCheckBox) {
                } else
                if(c instanceof JSlider) {
                } else
                if(c instanceof JComboBox) {
        // Finds the given input component and sets whether or not it is enabled
        public void setEnabled(String key, boolean enabled) {
            JComponent c = null;
            // First check text fields
            for(String s : INPUT_TEXTFIELDS.keySet())
                if(s.equals(key) && INPUT_TEXTFIELDS.get(s) != null)
                    c = INPUT_TEXTFIELDS.get(s);
            // Next check spinners
            if(c == null) {
                for(String s : INPUT_SPINNERS.keySet())
                    if(s.equals(key) && INPUT_SPINNERS.get(s) != null)
                        c = INPUT_SPINNERS.get(s);
            // Next check checkboxes
            if(c == null) {
                for(String s : INPUT_CHECKBOX.keySet())
                    if(s.equals(key) && INPUT_CHECKBOX.get(s) != null)
                        c = INPUT_CHECKBOX.get(s);
            // Next check sliders
            if(c == null) {
                for(String s : INPUT_SLIDER.keySet())
                    if(s.equals(key) && INPUT_SLIDER.get(s) != null)
                        c = INPUT_SLIDER.get(s);
            // Next check combo boxes
            if(c == null) {
                for(String s : INPUT_COMBO.keySet())
                    if(s.equals(key) && INPUT_COMBO.get(s) != null)
                        c = INPUT_COMBO.get(s);
            // If the component was found, set the enabled flag
            if(c != null)
        // Finds the given input component and sets the tooltip text
        public void setTooltip(String key, String tip) {
            JComponent c = null;
            // First check text fields
            for(String s : INPUT_TEXTFIELDS.keySet())
                if(s.equals(key) && INPUT_TEXTFIELDS.get(s) != null)
                    c = INPUT_TEXTFIELDS.get(s);
            // Next check spinners
            if(c == null) {
                for(String s : INPUT_SPINNERS.keySet())
                    if(s.equals(key) && INPUT_SPINNERS.get(s) != null)
                        c = INPUT_SPINNERS.get(s);
            // Next check checkboxes
            if(c == null) {
                for(String s : INPUT_CHECKBOX.keySet())
                    if(s.equals(key) && INPUT_CHECKBOX.get(s) != null)
                        c = INPUT_CHECKBOX.get(s);
            // Next check sliders
            if(c == null) {
                for(String s : INPUT_SLIDER.keySet())
                    if(s.equals(key) && INPUT_SLIDER.get(s) != null)
                        c = INPUT_SLIDER.get(s);
            // Next check sliders
            if(c == null) {
                for(String s : INPUT_COMBO.keySet())
                    if(s.equals(key) && INPUT_COMBO.get(s) != null)
                        c = INPUT_COMBO.get(s);
            // If the component was found, set the tooltip
            if(c != null)
        // Handle component interactions like button presses
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
            Object obj = actionEvent.getSource();
            if(obj == null)
            // If object is a UI element, handle it here
            if(obj instanceof JButton) {
                String src = ((JButton)obj).getText();
                if(src.equals("START")) {
                    // Close frame and dispose of UI elements
                    START_BUTTON_PRESSED = true;
                } else
                if(src.equals("CANCEL")) {
                    // Close frame, dispose of UI elements and set cancel flag to true (stops script)
                    CANCEL_BUTTON_PRESSED = true;
        // When a textfield gains focus, select all text to make script input easier
        public void focusGained(FocusEvent focusEvent) {
            final Component c = focusEvent.getComponent();
            if (c instanceof JFormattedTextField) {
                SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                    public void run() {
                        ((JFormattedTextField) c).selectAll();
            } else if (c instanceof JTextField) {
                SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                    public void run() {
                        ((JTextField) c).selectAll();
        public void focusLost(FocusEvent focusEvent) {
        // Set the tooltip of the JSlider when the value changes
        public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent changeEvent) {
            if(changeEvent.getSource() instanceof JSlider) {
                JSlider slider = (JSlider)changeEvent.getSource();
                slider.setToolTipText("Value: " + slider.getValue());
        // This method sets the JFrame icon to one downloaded from the web
        private void getFrameIcon() {
            Image image = null;
            try {
                // Gets the GUI frame icon from a Dreambot forum avatar image
                URL url = new URL(ICON_URL);
                image = ImageIO.read(url);
                image = getScaledImage(image, 256, 256);
            } catch (IOException e) { }
            // If the image is successfully grabbed and resized, set it as the frame icon
            if(image != null) {
                ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(image);
                if(icon != null)
        // This method returns a resized image (used to turn avatar into better icon resolution)
        private Image getScaledImage(Image srcImg, int w, int h){
            BufferedImage resizedImg = new BufferedImage(w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
            Graphics2D g2 = resizedImg.createGraphics();
            g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION, RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BILINEAR);
            g2.drawImage(srcImg, 0, 0, w, h, null);
            return resizedImg;
        // This method sets the Frame icon
        public void setIconImage(String URL) {
            ICON_URL = URL;


    Here is an example of script implementation:

    package ZenTester;
    import org.dreambot.api.methods.skills.Skill;
    import org.dreambot.api.script.AbstractScript;
    import org.dreambot.api.script.Category;
    import org.dreambot.api.script.ScriptManifest;
    @ScriptManifest(category = Category.MISC, name = "ZenTester", author = "Zenarchist", version = 1.0, description = "Script tester.")
    public class Main extends AbstractScript {
        private ZenGUI gui;
        public void onStart() {
            // Initialize GUI
            gui = new ZenGUI(this);
            // Add panels to GUI
            gui.addPanel("Script", "Script settings");
            gui.addPanel("Anti-Ban", "Anti-Ban settings");
            // Add inputs to the first panel
            gui.addIntegerInput(0, "Desired Attack Level", "attack", getSkills().getRealLevel(Skill.ATTACK), 1, 99);
            gui.addIntegerInput(0, "Desired Strength Level", "strength", getSkills().getRealLevel(Skill.STRENGTH), 1, 99);
            gui.addIntegerInput(0, "Desired Defence Level", "defence", getSkills().getRealLevel(Skill.DEFENCE), 1, 99);
            gui.addIntegerInput(0, "Desired Hits Level", "hits", -1, -1, 99);
            gui.addIntegerInput(0, "Desired Prayer Level", "prayer", -1, -1, 99);
            gui.addIntegerInput(0, "Max Distance To Take Bones", "bonedist", 3, 0, 99);
            gui.addIntegerInput(0, "Combat Level To Start Prayer", "prayercb", 12, 3, 999);
            gui.addBooleanInput(0, "Drop Coins", "coins", false);
            gui.addBooleanInput(0, "Drop Stackables", "stackables", false);
            gui.addBooleanInput(0, "Bury Bones", "bury", true);
            // Add inputs to the second panel
            gui.addIntegerInput(1, "Max Runtime (mins)", "maxruntime", -1, -1, 9999);
            gui.addBooleanInput(1, "Keep Starting Items", "items", false);
            gui.addBooleanInput(1, "Debug", "debug", false);
            gui.addBooleanInput(1, "Use ChatBot", "chatbot", true);
            gui.addBooleanInput(1, "Only Reply to Username/Flags", "chatbotusername", false);
            gui.addStringInput(1, "Chat Flags (Separate by ,)", "chatflags", "");
            gui.addSliderInput(1, "Anti-Ban Activity", "antibanrate", 50, 0, 100, 25, 5);
            gui.addSliderInput(1, "ChatBot Limit (mins)", "chatbotrate", 10, 0, 100, 25, 5);
            // Set tooltips for specific input components that require explanations
            gui.setTooltip("items", "Do not drop any items that start out in your inventory?");
            gui.setTooltip("maxruntime", "This stops the script after the specified time (-1 to disable)");
            gui.setTooltip("debug", "Print verbose script information to console?");
            gui.setTooltip("chatbot", "Use automatic chatbot replies?");
            gui.setTooltip("chatflags", "The chatbot will prioritize replying to any keywords you put here (optional)");
            gui.setTooltip("antibanrate", "This affects how frequently the anti-ban system performs actions (0 = disabled)");
            gui.setTooltip("chatbotrate", "This affects how frequently the ChatBot can reply (5 = no more than every 5 minutes)");
            gui.setTooltip("chatbotusername", "If selected, the ChatBot will only reply when your username or a given chat flag is mentioned");
            // Example of disabling inputs that aren't relevant to this script (I use this for my custom secondary panel on some of my scripts)
            gui.setEnabled("chatbot", false);
            gui.setEnabled("chatbotrate", false);
            gui.setEnabled("chatbotusername", false);
            // Shows the GUI. If the user clicks cancel, then the script will stop here. Otherwise onLoop() will begin.
          	log("Script started.");
        public int onLoop() {
          	// Do script logic
          	if(gui.getBoolean("bury") && getCombatLevel() >= gui.getInt("prayercb"))
            return 1;
        public void onPaint(java.awt.Graphics g) {
            int x = 10;
            int y = 90;
            if(!gui.finished()) {
                g.drawString("Waiting for user input", x, y += 14);
            g.drawString("Desired Attack Level: " + gui.getInt("attack"), x, y += 14);
            g.drawString("Desired Prayer Level: " + gui.getInt("prayer"), x, y += 14);
            g.drawString("Bury Bones: " + gui.getBoolean("bury"), x, y += 14);
            g.drawString("Chat Flags: " + gui.getBoolean("chatflags"), x, y += 14);
            g.drawString("Anti-Ban Rate: " + gui.getBoolean("antibanrate"), x, y += 14);



    Feel free to use this without giving any credit. Let me know if you have any questions (or suggestions) and if I get time I will do my best to help, but it should all be pretty self-explanatory and heavily commented. I will update this code whenever I encounter major limitations and improve my own version.

    Have fun & safe botting :)




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