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  • [OSRS GP]60 Attack 1 defence Pure! ALL 3 HALOS. Full GRACEFUL.

    Fat emo kid

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    This was a project of mine that I lost interest in. Buyer will receive the email + any other information needed involving this account. I will not accept USD due to Charging back, etc. 


    1. Stats of the account 
    2. 5347be9359a43a87ba25d6980c348393.png
    3. Account status (bans, mutes)
    4. 6b2f808fed2dca642d2cf00197619d9f.png
    5. Login screen
    6. f1d9a3b37b2520488a45c8dfe38165a4.png
    7. Quests (completed) - 
    8. 249a8b495a52106e9490c9b7921496cb.png
    9. Account wealth (non-tradeable or tradeable)
    10. 59f618afb134b0b5f41255c9db52cc8f.png
    11. Minimum bid (price to start bids) -15M OSRS GP
    12. Autowin - 40M.
    13. Payment method - OSRS GP. 
    14. Trading conditions (middleman) WE CAN HAVE A MIDDLEMAN, I DO NOT MIND. 
    15. Previous owners (if any) - NO PREVIOUS OWNERS. 
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    40m for an account with 3 halos and fully quested? Sounds like a scam to me. People sell accounts like this for hundreds on Player auctions.


    Do you have any offsite feedback? This seems like the biggest scam ever tbh. Trade with caution and use a middleman.

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    40m for an account with 3 halos and fully quested? Sounds like a scam to me. People sell accounts like this for hundreds on Player auctions.


    Do you have any offsite feedback? This seems like the biggest scam ever tbh. Trade with caution and use a middleman.

    The account was made a year ago, got halos, + agility and I quit it for months. I then logged on, got bored and then I just botted and made progression when I had free time. It's 100% botted. PLUS the account is not fully quested. It does not have Mith gloves, Fire Cape etc. The attack quests and prayer are done, that is it. I understand that we are all entitled to an opinion, but because you assume someone is a scam doesn't mean they are. 


    This account took no time at all to make. 40m for this? That's what I assumed it was worth. If you have a question with my price, then you should of said "I'd raise the Autowin value, 40m seems a bit cheap." And I am using a middleman. The buyer is getting the Email Information, Etc. As I stated before it's an account I lost interest in. The account isn't even 70+ range, ancients unlocked, etc. So I think 40m for this is good. 

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