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    Hi guys, need help with the following error (I am new to Java and scripting, so will appreciate if you can be explicit :-))


    The player levelled up and the following exception error popped: java.lang.NullPointerException






    Can someone please guide me on how should I modify the code to avoid this? Thanks!


    There's not much we can tell you without the stack trace, which should have been printed in the console. :x

    You're making a call somewhere on a null object. This would be like if you're getting nearby chickens and there are no chickens available

    and you call chicken.interact("Attack") anyway, it'll throw an NPE because chicken is null.


    Dayum son, chance getting this error comparing to all other possible errors is like finding sand on beach.


    By avoiding this:

    Polish's advanced technique for no scopers 720 blaze it:

    if(object != null){


    Dayum son, chance getting this error comparing to all other possible errors is like finding sand on beach.


    By avoiding this:


    Polish's advanced technique for no scopers 720 blaze it:

    if(object != null){

    840 double blaze it


    This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies.

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