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  • On site scammer (paid for service up front, did not do service)


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    All members involved: distraction (me), wais100 (link to his profile - https://dreambot.org/forums/index.php/user/30619-wais100/)





    I paid the user "wais100" (https://dreambot.org/forums/index.php/user/30619-wais100/) up front to do some power leveling on a pure account. He agreed to finish 1-60 str and 1-60 range on a free to play account in 96 hours. In nearly 3 days he has only trained less than 20k exp total out of the roughly 540k that would be required. He has only done ~1/27 of the work in ~75% of the alloted time. The user very rarely responds to me when I attempt to contact him, and it has become clear that he is not going to finish the service. He agreed to my terms of service (proof of this below), which stated that he would provide a full refund if he didn't finish the services, or broken any term of service. The total for the training was going to be $12.00 USD. I paid $8 of it up front via a dreambot voucher. After paying him, the user immediately began acting like he wasn't going to do the work. When I asked him "So you will be done in the agreed 96 hours?" his response was "I guess". When I question why he had not even started nearly 48 hours into the 96 hour period, his response was "I need to study and thats more important".


    The term of service that he has already broken -


    "5. The seller (provider of service) will provide at least 1 daily update (one per 24 hours) via PM/DM on the dreambot site with a screen shot of the characters skills."


    Its been nearly 3 days and I have not received a single PM/DM from him on the dreambot website regarding the training. This term of service was officially broken after the first 24 hours from the time of the first payment when he failed to provide the daily update that was agreed upon in TOS #5. I was willing to let this go if he actually did the training, but at this point its clear that he isn't even doing that.


    The term of service that says he will provide a refund within 48 hours of breaking a term of service - 


    "10. If a refund is to be given, it must be given within 2 days (48 hours) of the violation that caused reason for a refund. All refunds will be given as the sellers (provider of service) choice of either dream bot vouchers or osrs rsgp. The osrs gp will valued at a price of $0.95 USD per 1m (1,000,000) osrs gp (old school runescape gold)."


    He technically has 7 hours left to provide this refund, but he almost definitely will not be giving it to me as he doesn't respond to my messages.




    Proof that he agreed to these terms of service -




    If the user attempts to dispute any of what I'm saying here, I do have more proof that can be added to the post.



    Update: I had noticed that he also had an account on another botting website (won't mention the name because not sure if its allowed). I posted in his thread there to let everyone know we had made a deal and how he hadn't even started yet despite me paying upfront. He confirmed that it was indeed him (same guy from dreambot).I posted a dispute on that website this morning shortly after posting here. He has now been banned on that website until he gives a refund, in addition to being banned for ban evasion. That means he was banned on another account and created the new one that just got banned. He also scammed another person on that website. That person also opened a dispute today. I will link evidence for all of this below. I am only linking images of the posts at this point because I don't think I'm allowed to link to the actual posts. I can provide links to the actual posts if requested.


    Evidence 2 -


    proof that he confirmed it was him (same guy from dreambot on the other site)


    - https://prnt.sc/flsap6 (from his thread on the other site)


    the dispute I opened on the other site - 


    - http://prntscr.com/fm1vgl (my dispute post)

    - http://prntscr.com/fm1vra (response to my dispute post)



    proof of him scamming another person on the other site -


    - http://prntscr.com/fm1up2 (the persons dispute post)

    - http://prntscr.com/fm1v20 (the response to that dispute)



    Update 2 : The seller contacted me after seeing the disputes and says he will be refunding me tomorrow. I will post back here if he actually does refund me.


    Update 3 (6/21) : No refund was given today (seller said he would refund me in 24 hours, its been 29.5 hours since then). He said he will give a refund tomorrow. I will post back here. The seller has also been caught ban evading again on the other site mentioned above. Here is image evidence of this - http://prntscr.com/fmlq75. His ban on the other site seemed to indicate that he would be allowed back once he refunded all users that he scammed. If he intended to actually refund us, I'm not sure why he would be creating new accounts on that site to evade the ban.


    Update 4 (6/22) : Seller refunded 6.5m of the total 8.5m ($8.00 USD @ $0.95/m)

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    Just updated the post to make it clearer where each part of the template is at. I also added a section about him scamming and ban evading off site.

    Seller has now said he will be refunding tomorrow. I explained yesterday that I would be able to accept a refund at this time today, or about 8 hours from this time today. I just spoke to him and he said he's currently out and will not be available in 8 hours. No refund today.

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    The user has been ban evading again off site (created a new account after he just got banned for the same reasons mentioned in this post). The original ban was worded in a way that sounded like they would let him come back if he refunded the two people he banned (me being one of them). This could mean that he doesn't intend to pay us back, otherwise I'm not sure why he would be creating new accounts on the site. Here is proof of the new account he created being banned again, and the admin that banned him confirming that it was a multi of his original. I can provide links to the actual topics if requested.


    Evidence - 



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