GimpyLooter is a free-to-play Wilderness , Grand Exchange (GE) , Party room , Cowhide & Fish looter script that not only scoops up valuable items but also responds to PKers who attack you in the Wilderness! When you’re looting in the Wildy, low-level PKers might see you as an easy kill, so this bot occasionally fires back with randomized chat messages to throw them off.
Important Note
DO NOT run Wilderness bots during off-peak hours (roughly 10PM–9AM PST).
Low Population: There’s virtually no loot during these times.
Increased Suspicion: You’ll stand out more, making it easier for players to spot and report you.
Start Anywhere
The bot will walk to Edgeville on its own, bank any existing loot, and grab food before heading into the Wilderness.
Food Management
Withdraws the cheapest food first (3 pieces) to avoid being instantly killed. If there’s no food, it enters “No Food Mode” and continues looting anyway.
Auto-Banking Logic
Banks your loot when your inventory is full or when carrying valuable items.
Anti-Harassment System
Tracks hostile players and occasionally responds with randomized chat messages to add some personality.
Minor Anti-Bans
Utilizes idle movements, off-screen mouse behavior, and break intervals to reduce detection.
cycle between selected looters to create a more unique bot experience
(drop partys are frequent in wildy , bot scored a gilded piece during a session)
Wilderness Looter Walkthrough
Start from Anywhere – The bot automatically travels to Edgeville.
Banking & Food – It deposits any loot, withdraws food (if available), and gets ready to head out.
Loot Valuable Items – It targets hotspots in the Wilderness, where loot is typically plentiful.
PKer Detection – If a PKer attacks, the bot may talk back to them!
Retreat – It returns to safety when needed, minimizing unnecessary deaths.
Grand Exchange (GE) Looter
Loot at the GE – The bot hangs around the Grand Exchange to grab valuable drops.
World Hopping – If there’s no loot for 60 seconds, it automatically hops to a new free-to-play world.
Cowhide Looter
Loot at the Lumby cowfield – Loots and banks cowhides
Trout & Salmon Looter
Loot fish – Loots and banks fish in barb , (also picks up cooked fish if players drop em) prioritizes higher price fish
Why Use GimpyLooter?
Personality: Random chat responses add a fun twist to an otherwise routine looter bot.
Profit-Focused: It prioritizes high-value items and banks to keep your earnings safe.
Survival-Oriented: Eats food, avoids risky situations, and banks strategically to reduce deaths.
Recommended Settings
Disable DreamBot’s AFK Breaks
This prevents your character from standing still in the Wilderness, where you’d be an easy target.
How the Bot Generates Chat Messages
Phrase Components: Uses a mix of nicknames, reaction phrases, expansions, and punctuation.
Randomization: Randomly selects from these lists and combines words in various ways.
Variability: Introduces small misspellings, varied punctuation, and extra words to appear more human-like.
I plan on creating more free bots, so if GimpyLooter—or any of my other releases—helps you out, please consider supporting my work:
Good luck and happy looting!