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  • Hikkbro

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    1. Had four accounts running last night and woke up them them all banned, the F2P accounts were perma and the P2P accounts were one day. They were all on the same proxy and the P2P accounts were using a different script. Is this normal? Part of me things the P2P did not get flagged but were on the same IP as the F2P that got permaed. But the other side things Jagex is being lax on them because they are members. The offences on the P2P is Bot Ban Moderate and the F2P accounts is Macroing Major. I am Already in the process of setting up a new proxy for my stuff just wanting to get an idea of thoughts on what could cause the uneven bans.
    2. Hi all i'm am fresh starting out newb with a little tech background seeing if i can turn this into a side hussle. Right now I have two accounts new going and have paid for a coupld scripts, f2p on a VM server with a poxy i set up. I am curious to see what others have invested into this monthly and if they turn a profit at all. Not looking to share hard info unless you are willing to share. I current spend about $20 or so a month before electricity and want to grow but am unsure of the target i need to reach. is it 50 accts or more? how man do you account for ban rate? do you sell accounts or just gold/plat? Feel free to dm or share with the rest on here.
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