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  • TheSaint

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    Everything posted by TheSaint

    1. The offical OSRS game is currently offline, back at 1pm BST.
    2. An easy way to get 20 kills is to kill the boss on your main till it is low health, then run in on the new account and deal just a bit of damage so it counts as a kill! I have done this by just getting 13 mage and 40 prayer for overheads and using fire strike at the Callisto. Another way i have done is to just afk range at sand crabs till 50 range so i have msb then run in and msb spec the boss.
    3. Hey, i created this bot nearly 1 year ago when the wilderness bosses first came out before i was a scripter on Dreambot and i have never been banned using it. This is just my personal experience, hope that helps, cheers
    4. Wilderness Boss Cave Peeker Description Peeks the wilderness boss caves and sends you discord messages to tell you if they are active. This allows you to hop to the worlds quickly and kill the players inside for quick and easy loot. Features Supports all boss caves: Callisto Artio Spindel Vetion Cal'varion Venenatis Keeps track of how many worlds have been scouted and how many active worlds are found. Tells you if the active world has a scout outside so you know to quickly hop into the cave on login before the scout sees you. Requirements Have at least 20 kills in the cave of choice to unlock the option to peek the cave. Have a discord webhook setup to receive messages. Here is a guide how to set one up: GUI Loot from 1 hour Discord Messages
    5. Welcome! if you need any help don't be afraid to ask, the people are quite helpful on here!
    6. import org.dreambot.api.methods.grandexchange.GrandExchange; import org.dreambot.api.script.AbstractScript; import org.dreambot.api.script.Category; import org.dreambot.api.script.ScriptManifest; @ScriptManifest(name = "GE Test", description = "", author = "TheSaint", version = 1.0, category = Category.MONEYMAKING, image = "") public class Main extends AbstractScript { @Override public int onLoop() { if (!GrandExchange.isOpen()) { GrandExchange.open(); } else if (GrandExchange.isReadyToCollect()) { GrandExchange.collect(); } else if (GrandExchange.getOpenSlots() > 0) { GrandExchange.buyItem("Jug of wine", 1, 5000); } else { log("No open slots available to buy items."); } return 2000; } }
    7. Sorry i mean't to put buyItem. Edited. Can you post your whole code
    8. GrandExchange.buyItem(itemName, Quanity, Price);
    9. What's peoples take on delayed interactions? Do you believe it affects ban rate? Do you incorporate it into your scripts? By delayed interactions I mean random delays between actions, like chopping trees and mining rocks etc. Instead of clicking as soon as the entity is available.
    10. EDIT: I accidentally posted this in woodcutting, could a mod move to combat section please! Sorry! Suicide Goblins Description Kills goblins at Lumbridge till you die, returns upon death and collects your items from the grave. Can collect arrows, and will equip your armour/weapons after it loots them. Setup Start anywhere, select your skill to train and if you want to select arrows. Warning Do not bring extra armour/weapons, just bring what you need.
    11. Cant walk anywhere really in Port Phasymatys. Most of the tiles return null when i log the destination tile. I have tried using the WebTool to add tiles but it has not helped. Anyone have any ideas please.
    12. What could be causing this? Lately iv been keeping an eye on my script and iv noticed after a while it literally just slows down so much like it takes 30 seconds between simple actions, like walking it will click once on the minimap then 30 seconds later click again. I timed it and it usually runs absolutely fine for about an hour and then starts slowing down.
    13. Hey, does having a default zoom setting cause problems? I have noticed my scripts have been sometimes running very slow, i always lock the zoom fully out.
    14. public boolean fullLootingBag() { return Inventory.get("Looting bag").hasAction("View"); } public boolean fullLootingBag() { return Inventory.get(item -> item.hasAction("View")) !=null; } Boolean returns false still. Any ideas anyone?
    15. My class implements ChatListener but it wont let me override onGameMessage. import org.dreambot.api.script.listener.ChatListener; public class Main implements ChatListener { @Override public void onGameMessage(Message message) { if (message.getMessage().contains("Hi")) { log("Hi"); } } The method does not override its superclass. Edit: Fixed, was importing something incorrect oops
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