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  • archfiend

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    Everything posted by archfiend

    1. Walking.walk(wizardsTower); if(wizardsTower.contains(player)){ GameObject ladder = getGameObjects().closest("Ladder"); // Interact with the ladder if (ladder != null) { ladder.interact("Climb-up"); } } The getGameObjects isnt supported. How would I climb up a ladder? This is the hard part for part of the script.. After this is pretty much smooth sailing. So I just realize.... Im not climbing up ladders im climb up stair cases.... but if I would to climb up a ladder it would look like something like this ? if(!wizardsTower.contains(player) ){ Walking.walk(wizardsTower); } if(wizardsTower.contains(player)){ GameObject ladder = closest("ladder"); // Interact with the ladder if (ladder != null) { ladder.interact("Climb-up"); } } So i think i gotta switch "ladder" with "staircase".... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Since the post of this project there seems to be a pandemic of bots at wizards tower.... sad... cat is out of the bag.... some one beat me to it... Hmmm.
    2. I wasnt sure where to put the functions in. The reason for STAGE is so the onLoop doesnt loop over the walk. So if the player is in AREA than it attacks incrementing what STAGE the bot is at. So now that Im think about it, the int is more like for DEBUG, I could log the stage in console. I think at first i put Player = new Players(getLocal) which was wrong. I know in regular Java you have to initialize the functions as new Object(methods). Thank you for your input. And thank you for the compliment. Since I now know most of the code looks good. Im going to die sect it. 1st Im going to test walking to Tower from what ever Tile I log in at. Than Im going to if(Area.contains(player)) dont walk than attack. STAGE++. 2nd Im going to add more rune to use such as Law and Nature runes for Telegrabing loot from the demon on top floor than high alching the loot 3rd Im going to limit how long the bot runs and add some anti-ban features. Thanks again for your input.
    3. I started Scripting with DreamBot a little while ago... I hope i made some progress in learning the API. I have looked at many references. Can some please fact check my code. import org.dreambot.api.methods.container.impl.Inventory; import org.dreambot.api.methods.filter.Filter; import org.dreambot.api.methods.interactive.NPCs; import org.dreambot.api.methods.interactive.Players; import org.dreambot.api.methods.item.GroundItems; import org.dreambot.api.methods.magic.Magic; import org.dreambot.api.methods.magic.Normal; import org.dreambot.api.methods.walking.impl.Walking; import org.dreambot.api.script.AbstractScript; import org.dreambot.api.script.Category; import org.dreambot.api.script.ScriptManifest; import org.dreambot.api.methods.Calculations; import org.dreambot.api.methods.map.Area; import org.dreambot.api.methods.map.Tile; import org.dreambot.api.script.AbstractScript; import org.dreambot.api.script.Category; import org.dreambot.api.script.ScriptManifest; import org.dreambot.api.wrappers.interactive.NPC; import org.dreambot.api.wrappers.interactive.Player; import org.dreambot.api.wrappers.items.GroundItem; import org.dreambot.api.wrappers.items.Item; import java.util.Random; import static org.dreambot.api.methods.magic.Normal.*; @ScriptManifest(name = "MasterScript", description = "My 1st Script", author = "MasterSemtax", version = 1.0, category = Category.MISC, image = "") public class ZenithScript extends AbstractScript { int STAGE = 0; // Define Player as LocalPlayer Player player = Players.getLocal(); // Define the Wizard's Tower area Area wizardsTower = new Area(3106, 3935, 3115, 3940); // Define the top Floor of the Wizards Tower Area wizardsTowerTopFloor = new Area(3108, 3929, 3111, 3928, 2); Tile TOP_FLOOR_DEMON_ROOM_A = new Tile(3109, 3928, 2); Tile TOP_FLOOR_DEMON_ROOM_B = new Tile(3110, 3929, 2); Tile TOP_FLOOR_DEMON_ROOM_C = new Tile(3111, 3928, 2); Tile TOP_FLOOR_DEMON_ROOM_D = new Tile(3110, 3928, 2); Random random = new Random(); int floor = 0; public Tile returnRandomTile(){ STAGE = 1; floor = random.nextInt(4); if(floor == 0){ return TOP_FLOOR_DEMON_ROOM_A; } else if (floor == 1) { return TOP_FLOOR_DEMON_ROOM_B; } else if (floor == 2) { return TOP_FLOOR_DEMON_ROOM_C; } else { return TOP_FLOOR_DEMON_ROOM_D; } } public void walkToWizardsTower(){ // Check if the player is already at the wizard's tower if (wizardsTower.contains(player)) { // Than walk to TOP Floor at a random Tile STAGE = 3; Walking.walk(returnRandomTile()); } else { // Walk to the wizard's tower STAGE = 2; Walking.walk(wizardsTower); } } public boolean isPlayerInRoom(){ if(wizardsTowerTopFloor.contains(player)){ STAGE = 4; return true; } return false; } boolean hasAirStaff = false; boolean hasMindRunes = false; int equiped_tick = 0; public boolean hasRequirements() { log("Checking for Air Staff..."); for(Item item : player.getEquipment()){ if(item.getName().contains("Staff of air") || item.getID() == 1381){ STAGE = 5; hasAirStaff = true; break; } } if(hasAirStaff){ equiped_tick++; if(equiped_tick <= 3){ log("Staff of Air is equipped..."); } }else { log("Staff of Air is missing..."); } if(Inventory.count(558) >= 1){ STAGE = 6; log("Player holds [ " + Inventory.count(558) + " ]"); hasMindRunes = true; }else { log("Player holds zero mind runes"); hasMindRunes = false; } return hasAirStaff && Inventory.count(558) >= 1; } public void autoCastWindStrike(){ if(hasRequirements()){ NPC npc = NPCs.closest("lesser demon"); if (npc != null) { Magic.castSpellOn(WIND_STRIKE, npc); } } } Area telegrabArea = new Area(3107, 3926, 3113, 3923,2); public void autoCastTelegrab(){ // Check if the player is in the telegrab area if (telegrabArea.contains(player)) { // Find the closest ground item GroundItem item = GroundItems.closest((Filter<GroundItem>) telegrabArea); // Check if the item exists and is visible if (item != null && item.isOnScreen()) { // Cast telegrab on the item Magic.castSpellOn(TELEKINETIC_GRAB, item); } } } @Override public void onStart() { log("Setting up Zenith Script..."); walkToWizardsTower(); } @Override public int onLoop() { autoCastWindStrike(); //autoCastTelegrab(); return Calculations.random(542, 1340); } @Override public void onExit() { log("Stopping Zenith Script..."); } }
    4. Hello ArchFiend here..... first of first how do I run my own scripts... how do i execute private writing scipts. Im a some what experince Java programmer.
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