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  • Beyond GP

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    Posts posted by Beyond GP

    1. It's not super easy to get away with botting in 2022, but it can absolutely be done. Some of my better achievements are botting to max melee, botting 2 + months 12 hours a day, and making 300m + from a single account. Just like in other fields, hard work and concentrated efforts over time gives results, in most cases. 

      Best of luck. 

    2. Hello,

      I am using gear recognition in some of my private scripts, but I'm having problems retrieving the items worn in the leg and boots slots. There's probably a simple thing I have overlooked here, would be very helpful if a bright mind could point me in the right direction! 


      Some very simple code to illustrate the problem follows, I will look for the gear I am wearing myself, and I am wearing gear in all the slots I am retrieving the item from. 


      int itemIdHead = Client.getLocalPlayer().getComposite().getAppearance()[0] - 512;
      Item headItem = new Item(itemIdHead, 1);
      int itemIdChest = Client.getLocalPlayer().getComposite().getAppearance()[4] - 512;
      Item chestItem = new Item(itemIdChest, 1);
      int itemIdLegs = Client.getLocalPlayer().getComposite().getAppearance()[6] - 512;
      Item legItem = new Item(itemIdLegs, 1);
      int itemIdBoots = Client.getLocalPlayer().getComposite().getAppearance()[8] - 512;
      Item bootsItem = new Item(itemIdBoots, 1);
      int itemIdCape = Client.getLocalPlayer().getComposite().getAppearance()[1] - 512;
      Item capeItem = new Item(itemIdCape, 1);
      MethodProvider.log("Item in head slot: " + headItem.getName());
      MethodProvider.log("Item in chest slot: " + chestItem.getName());
      MethodProvider.log("Item in leg slot: " + legItem .getName());
      MethodProvider.log("Item in boots slot: " +bootsItem.getName());
      MethodProvider.log("Item in cape slot: " + capeItem.getName());

      The console is simply empty with regard to the  items in the leg and boots slots. Why? 





    3. On 9/10/2021 at 7:05 PM, Mikasa said:

      The quest needs to be unstarted. If you've made any progress on a quest, script won't be able to pick up from where you left off.

      Can you unstart a quest in OSRS? I played this game for so many years but I have never heard about that. I'm in the same situation with regard to Black Knight's Fortress

    4. Hi,

      When you are mining at the upper level in motherlode mine, and are about to go to and down the ladder to empty your inventory, the movements look a bit to robotic. If it has to mine rockfalls, it waits about 5 - 7 seconds after mining it before moving on, and it also waits 5 - 7 seconds in front of the ladder before climbing down, at the same tile every time. I don't think this looks very player-like and this happens the same way every time. I'm afraid of my 86 mining account getting reported by some of the other nearly maxed players in the area - is there some way to stop it from acting in this way, and just go down the ladder in one single movement? 

    5. Botting is not a braindead activity. I've been experimenting a bit lately with this script in both f2p and p2p, and if you suicide bot or get to greedy you will most likely be banned pretty soon.

      It's possible to get quite a lot of playtime done before getting banned if you know what you are doing and have clear strategies in terms of brakes and so fourth. In my experience this script is very good, but it seems like most scripts will get you banned these days if you don't use them in a mindful way. 

      I am lightly botting a f2p account now, and it's currently at 54 mining. Looking forward to see how far I can get it before it catches a ban. If anyone has managed to get to 85 or 99 mining botting in f2p, I would be very interested to know. 

    6. Update on my looting problem; it now works fine, I don't know what caused it.

      One of my accounts did however get banned after less than one hour killing chickens. I found out this after todays update - maybe it had something to do with the ban. I've started a new account now, and been botting chickens and cows for about two hours with no ban. I did tutorial island manually on both accounts. As an experiment I will try to bot overnight and see how it goes. 

      Good luck botting, everyone. 


      In case someone want to know how long you can suicide bot with this script: I suicide-botted cows, picking up cowhide, and lasted for about 15 hours before I got permanently banned. I managed to get to 30 defence and strength and 40 attack. I made about 400k. Not that bad, I would say.

    7. Hello holic,

      I've been experimenting with your script on chickens today, and it seems to work well. Thanks for the work you have put into making this available!

      The only problem I've encountered so far, is that it does not pick up the loot (bones and feathers) from chickens, even though I've been experimenting with the different looting options. It clearly tries to pick them up, though.

      Any advice on this?



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