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  • maplesyrup

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    Posts posted by maplesyrup

    1. sorry mate i was writing that at like 5am or something.

      So basically say you only have 3 npc's on the map and all of your npc's are trying to attack you because your agro and you are close to them. But when they walk towards you to attack the npcs can get stuck behind objects (rarely) like trees or gates or anything that takes up one or two blocks. I've just come back to notice a couple times my 3 NPC's are stuck behind a tree staring at me and my character stands still until he logs. my guess is because they are trying to attack you its just waiting for the battle to finish but it never started because there's a object cause a null/error.

      I can pm you more details if you need just I'm just trying not to be too specific with strategies on an open forums in case my only current working method gets saturated and fagex send mods lol.

      this bot is great though getting into the 65 - 70s on multiple accs so far kinda surprised its free nice one. 

    2. really have enjoyed using this script it covers everything, the only issue I've had which I doubt many people will encounter is the bot gets confused when the npc your attacking is in a quest zone or locked areas you cant access like a house with locked door instead of attacking the ones outside it tries attack both and you end up walking into the walls.

      Another rare encounter as well is if you have full agro and ALL of your npc's get stuck behind an object like a tree or fence your the bot stops thinking its in a battle i guess.

      have done pretty good with this so far on a few accs in f2p 

    3. hey mate, wicked sript so far running it a week on and off got to 60 60 60 have switched to range one mistake i  noticed is easily done when you start range is you may equip wrong arrows for the bow, the script will just keep on trying to attack instead of logging out like when it runs out of arrows, nothing major just hoping i dont get ban because i stupidly went the toilet as it was running crabs come back to like 20 fails to attack.

      other than that pretty impressed, maybe could add a customizable world switch if ya feeling ballsy. 

      big up soz first post.

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