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    Here is another way to add the client.jar dependency for all modules in your project. Just add it as an External Library:


    1. Go to File: Project Structure


    2. Select Libraries, then press the + and select Java. Navigate to client.jar and press Ok

    Credit: Flying Low

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    How to create a basic woodcutter (Watch in 720p)



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    How to navigate the API & Filter tutorial






    Heya Aaron


    liked and subscribed  ;)


    looking forward for new vids

    WOW just watched your basic script tuturial on youtube and it was amazing.


    really shows the basics on how to make a script. 
    Those 10mins were like 1month of trail and error in my learning proces.


    Good job on this, will subscribe for more videos when you release them.


    Thanks for the feedback guys, glad it helped. I'm hoping to make a more clearly thought out series next.


    Will totally be watching and learning from this tomorrow! :D Thanks a million!


    This ads a new flavour to our community!


    Just joined the community.. I've botted for 7 years on and off now have yet to see someone actually take some time and give a video like this especially one that sorta sounds human. Appreciate your time and can't wait till you keep releasing videos especially "Explanation of Ore Lick's code" because I want to be able to finally give back to the community. Keep up the work man your cooker works like a charm as well! 



    Oh and if you aren't aware your site with the scripts is down.


    Just joined the community.. I've botted for 7 years on and off now have yet to see someone actually take some time and give a video like this especially one that sorta sounds human. Appreciate your time and can't wait till you keep releasing videos especially "Explanation of Ore Lick's code" because I want to be able to finally give back to the community. Keep up the work man your cooker works like a charm as well! 



    Oh and if you aren't aware your site with the scripts is down.


    Thanks for the notification, It's back up now. Forgot to restart my http server :o


    The next few videos will be user requested, so if anyone has any, please let me know. I'll be releasing an explanation of ore licks' code soon as well as how to make a basic wood cutting script.


    Will do just waiting on the next one then I'll be pming you about stuff that maybe you could elaborate on again though man its already been a big help got a  pretty basic understanding of how it works... Requires very logical thinking and lots of algebra... X is Z if not do W Etc... 


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