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  • Best way to bot main


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    so I want to bot my main. Im about 75 combat with like 40 quest points. Im too busy to even play anymore. I have a VPN but what else would I need. All I want to do is bot sand crabs

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    I fucking hate rs, let me bot in fucking peace


    1. Why're you playing if you hate it so much?


    2. Why're you being a dick about it?

    If you ask a question trying being nicer about it, you won't get any help if you don't

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    i just got a two day ban on my main after botting for about a month and a half. i played a lot myself too doing quests, slayer, herb, etc and only botted 2-4 hours a day too. i prob wouldn't risk it

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    In my opinion just don't bot on your main. The chances of you getting banned are high. Just play the game and enjoy it. I am super busy too but I get on when I can and have a good time.

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