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    IDE doesnt seem to recgonize things anymore


    for example


    hgjgjhgj().get(item -> item.getName().endsWith("arrow")).interact("Wield"); 


    the mistype in this command isnt marked with a red line to show its wrong and the script executes things it shouldnt as if booleans are wrong?


    eg. if i do if(booleanname == true) and the boolean doesnt even exist it will execute it?


    tried removing and relocating the jar no luck, even creating a new project no luck.


    Any ideas?

    Edit: Narrows the cause down to this line


    getWorldHopper().hopWorld(getWorlds().getRandomWorld(world -> world != null && world.isMembers() == false && world.isDeadmanMode() == false && world.isPVP() == false
    && world.getMinimumLevel() == 0));
    have no idea why
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