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  • Making a 10hp HC ironman


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    Hey guys, I do actually enjoy the game as well as botting it and I wanted to do something interesting so I'm making a 10hp HC ironman :)


    I'll try to keep this posted with updates but long term I'm going for high combats with 10hp, maybe do some safe bossing if I can find some techniques? Maybe PK? Who knows.


    Suggest any bots you think maybe good for getting supplies/training/etc.



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    safespot with cannon and splash magic


    best of luck!

    Yeah I already got this in mind haha, thanks. I'm most worried about getting good gear/weps without being able to do bosses besides raids

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    • 4 weeks later...

    Best of luck! I know these can be diffcult.


    For strength, fishing, and agility XP, you can do the barbarian fishing methods..


    Stun, alching, stunalching, charging, etc, can be good for mage xp too.


    I think your most difficult tasks will be questing and training the odd-balls skills like attack/defence that cannot be gained from non-xp combat methods.. Unless I'm derping..

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