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    I'm new to this forum. I have an issue with the DreamBot client, every time I launch it, it starts over downloading OSRS client with all settings nullified. Same as it would do on a new computer.


    First of all, this may be suspicious to Jagex, that a certain IP and account keeps downloading the game client and same game cache (or for example using a new computer, a new IP if I fully understand how this works) over and over again each time.


    Second - I had to disable my authenticator because of this, not that I need it that much, but still.


    So the question is: is this the clients fault or is it my computer acting badly somehow? I need help, this is annoying and every time I have to wait for it to launch. Any reply will be appreciated.


    Thanks in advance.

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    i have this since when im started to use dreambot. Dont know exactly what the problem is. the only thing my dreambot seems to save is my proxy list.

    but then again im running only on mac osx. maybe thats why. 

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    I'm running windows 10 and haven't had this problem.
    Have you tried deleting everything (Runescape, dreambot, caches, ...) and redownloading it all?

    That works 80% of the time.

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    Yes, deleting all of the caches every once in a while. But not every day. And this is the only client that has this problem, even though I use 4-5 of them (I have my reasons for that, all of us do). But thanks for the advice. :)

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    Yes, deleting all of the caches every once in a while. But not every day. And this is the only client that has this problem, even though I use 4-5 of them (I have my reasons for that, all of us do). But thanks for the advice. :)

    I'd suggest just doing a full cleanup of everything runescape related.

    That's how i handle such problems, never failed me!

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