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  • Satire's Account Shop (7qp/tut island) ready


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    Tut Island completed: 280k  (out of stock for now, making a fresh batch soon)

    7QP Ready: 350k  (out of stock)


    All accounts are unverified and created on multiple IP's. They are all mass-created and botted.

    Stats of the account: Level 3
    Account status (bans, mutes) :Clean
    Quests (completed) :Sheap shearer, Romeo and Juliet, Cook's assistant (for 7qp ready account)
    Account wealth (non-tradeable or tradeable)
    Minimum bid (price to start bids)
    Autowin 280,350k
    Payment method: OSRSGP
    Trading conditions (middleman): Gold first, can get a mm if you're skeptical.
    Previous owners (if any): Unverified.

    Note: Stock may not be accurate as I may not always update them straight after accounts are sold. 


    • I am not responsible for any bans after you have purchased these accounts.
    • The accounts have been on CD for 1-2 days and I check them daily to see if there were any bans.
    • OSRSGP only
    • I will not go first 

    If you want an account, you must follow these terms. If you are buying an account, you are automatically agreeing to these terms. I am not liable for anything done to the account after trade.


    Skype: Akbar.io

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