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    Hey everyone,


    I have been writing a script for creating nature runes in the Abyss. Just recently my script has been messing up. Previously, when my character went to click on the mage to teleport, it would right click -> teleport with no issue. Now everytime it goes to click on the mage, it just hovers above his head. The same things happen when I try to mine the rocks in the abyss.


    Does anyone know the cause of this issue or a potential fix?



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    I'm having the exact same issue.

    With pretty much all scripts I've ran it'll hover it's mouse very close to where it's supposed to click, but not actually on top of it.
    Sometimes when it moves the camera, and get a good angle it'll be able to click on it.

    Like so;


    Edit; As far as the zoom feature, it's zoomed out as far as possible. Not sure what the default zoom actually is, because there's no button to return to default (I think?).
    Edit 2; Set the zoom to 1, and it's working a lot better, but still not great. Clicks successfully a lot more often, but still doesn't manage to click things all the time.

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    Has to be on default because else the client doesnt know where stuff is

    Many thanks!


    I did not know that restore default existed, working like a charm now.

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