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  • Still not working? Try downloading and running JarFix
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    I was wondering what instructions I should follow to not get banned. I'd like to bot as much as possible in interest of selling the account or maybe making it my main but i don't want to get caught if at all possible. Any suggestions? i'm going to be starting out with a completely new character. 

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    Well there are a lot of things you can do to help prevent bans. The one I like to recommend right away is that you set up breaks for your bots. I recommend a 30+ minute break every 1-1.5 hrs.

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    • 3 weeks later...

    Level 3's are at a much higher risk of a ban, but you always run the risk of getting banned no matter what when botting, so if you do bot on your main, make sure you're prepared to loose it. All you can do is be prepared for bans, attempt to prevent them as much as possible and research what went wrong, what you can do differently. It all depends on what your goals from botting are, if you just want a couple of easy levels, or if you want to make a load of quick cash, or stable income. 

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