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  • How to access .txt file in the Project folder or src?


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    When I'm just compiling and building a project in IntelliJ I can add a text file to my Project and then access it at the following path

    Path inputDataPath = Paths.get("src","ItemIds.txt");

    But when I try accessing at that path for my bot script (which also has the file) I end up with a FileNotFoundException.

    java.io.FileNotFoundException: src\ItemIds.txt (The system cannot find the path specified)

    So, my question is - How can I add and access a data file from my bot scripts?

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    Just to clarify, I just want the path to the data file. I'm thinking it could be the following


    which assumes you can get into MyScriptName.jar by Scripts/MyScriptName/ItemIds.txt.

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    After a bit of looking around, I found a good answer on StackOverflow.

    You can add the file to your project as normal but because its being built as a jar file you can't just read it like a regular text file. Based on Drew MacInnis' post on Stackoverflow, I was able to read the .txt file as follows:

        public List<Integer> readJarResource(String filename) {
            List<Integer> itemIds = new ArrayList<>();
            try (InputStream in = getClass().getResourceAsStream(filename);
                 BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in))) {
                while (reader.ready()) {
                    String data = reader.readLine();
            } catch (IOException e) {
            return itemIds;

    Happy days.

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