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    I'm sorta still new to all this, however I've been getting into the groove of things this week and made 2 accounts,  one with 65 combat level, and the other with level 77 fishing, but I can't use the scripts when I log into either one of my accounts. And it also wont automatically log in to my accounts no matter how many times I add the account details(I checked the Auto Log in setting as well).

    I've tried to delete my dreambot and reinstall completely.

    Tried to update Java

    and neither account is disabled.

    idk its super frustrating, since i spent some money on scripts, I would like to be able to use them.


    bro simply reading the last few messages in every forum youd see that runescape did a update and that dreambot is being worked on 


    Have you tried updating DN? Seems to have worked for me

    1 minute ago, Majoraa said:

    Have you tried updating DN? Seems to have worked for me

    how i shud too that?

    15 minutes ago, Majoraa said:

    Have you tried updating DN? Seems to have worked for me

    howdo you update that DN or what u mean


    nvm lmao. Im sure it will be good to go soon friend


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