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  • Vps question


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    Hello, so I used a vps before for other none rs related things, I am considering going to petrosky for a host, which plan would allow 12 bots at once without lag does anyone know? Money for it isn't an problem on my end until I get my pc issue resolved I would just go with a vps haha.

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    Look into getting an azure free trial account. Can get $300 virtual machine for around $5-20 for these accounts. I wont spoon how to gettem but the infos out there. gl

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    • 5 weeks later...

    You need to contact qualified specialists to solve this problem. Even the cheapest VPS settings need to be handled responsibly. You can also try to change the port settings. All newly installed VPS have a default listening port. Open the SSH configuration file and change it from there. Then you need to fix the Port string and set an arbitrary number. You should also make sure that it’s not used by another service before you run it. Also, please note that you can set up several bots at once.

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