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  • Check if interacted with a interactable object


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    Hello, I am writing some quest bots. And Sometimes the cursor misses a GameObject. I want to make a method that does something like this.

    void interactGO(GameObject gameobject){
    Boolean interacted = true;
    			interacted = false;


    But I don't know how to check if my player has interacted with a object. I know I can check it the model of the object has changed or something like that. But I reckon that sooner or later I am going to stumble into some GameObject that will not change its state in any way.


    Any ideas?


    actually the problem wasn't with the cursor missing but for some reason it opened a door with just interact() and the other time it wanted interact("open"), but I wouldn't mind the answer to the previous question :) 


    Ok, now this is embarrassing, I am talking to myself, I didn't look in the docs well enough. I see that interact() returns true if the action was performed successfully so I can just build on that.  


    As you stated above, right, I've seen people recommend often to do something like if(x.interact(...) { which will work for what you're trying to achieve.


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