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  • Are you not able to open the client? Try following our getting started guide
  • Still not working? Try downloading and running JarFix
  • Help! My bot doesn't do anything! Enable fresh start in client settings and restart the client
  • How to purchase with PayPal/OSRS/Crypto gold? You can purchase vouchers from other users
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    Hello, I've got a few questions I really need answering so if someone could be kind enough to help me out by answering I'd appreciate it. So, I'm planning on starting my first ever bot farm. I've got no idea how Proxys work, so can anyone simplify how they work for me please? How many accounts per proxy? Where and how can I purchase them?My end goal is to run 20 accounts at blast furnace for 3 hours each per day and invest the profits elsewhere to sustain and a regular income. I'm willing to put in however many hours it may take and invest some of my own money to kick start things.



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