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    what i need done is listed below

    if ur gonna try nd scam me idk what to tell u but u might as well not even waste ur time because im not a retard so



    Recipe For Disaster (Mith Gloves)

    Monkey Madness

    Desert Treasure

    Animal Magnetism

    Horror From The Deep

    and ALL of the levels that are required for the quests above


    this will all be done on a fresh account that i will supply


    You are not to level defence or attack, the only attack xp you should get will be via quests


    Post prices here or add my skype



    If you post something like "oh dont u do quests urself" you are a retard and your post will get removed so dont do that




    if u level my attack with xp that is not gained from quests, i will receive a full refund

    if you level my defence, i will receive a full refund

    you will buy all of the items needed for quests

    you will go first or we will use a middleman

    if we use a middleman u will pay fees

    by posting on this thread or adding my skype you agree to these terms


    skype: khaleesifanboy69


    We spoke about this via Skype, i'm sure I can get most/all done.


    We spoke about this via Skype, i'm sure I can get most/all done.

    yep, just quote me when you can


    hey mate i can do this if you provide the items needed for the quests and the levels if you would like to make an order here 

    i dont provide items & whoever does this order will be leveling the stats, and dont advertise ur service on my thread

    • 1 month later...

    confused as fuck why this says march 2015


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