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    I am running on Windows 10, I've redownloaded DbLauncher and Java multiple times, following each step as indicated. When I attempt to open the DBLauncher via Java.exe as well as Javaw, neither of the options launch Dreambot. The Java.exe opens up a command prompt which quickly closes out and nothing pops up, whereas javaw does not open anything, it makes it seem as though something will open and nothing happens. I have restarted my computer multiple times, my java is up to date, I am not quite sure what else to do. I have read multiple topics on the forums, none of which helped me fix this issue. 


    uninstall your java completely and use ccleaner to clean your registry  , then download this java and choose your windows type  ( http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html ) . install it .then restart and have a nice botting good luck :)

     Hm, so I tried that and followed each step, and it is still doing the same thing. I am seriously at a loss. I checked to make sure my antivirus was not interfering with it, made sure it was unblocked in the file settings, nothing is opening up in the slightest when I click it. It just shows a loading icon next to the cursor for half a second and nothing. 


    did you make any changes in ur pc or changed java path ?


    i have the same problem and have had it for a while, cant find a way to get the client to launch 

    • 2 months later...


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