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    I built a little script for myself, that will take copper and iron from my bank and smelt them at a furnace (in lumbridge).


    The problem is that suddenly, when I build the artifact it will not start when I press the start script button on the script panel in the dreambot client.


    I am really confused as to what it might be...


    Note: It did work before when it just walked to the bank...

    (The script below is not done yet, I just want to test if it works with the current code)

    import org.dreambot.api.methods.Calculations;
    import org.dreambot.api.methods.container.impl.bank.BankLocation;
    import org.dreambot.api.methods.map.Area;
    import org.dreambot.api.methods.map.Tile;
    import org.dreambot.api.script.AbstractScript;
    import org.dreambot.api.script.Category;
    import org.dreambot.api.script.ScriptManifest;
    import org.dreambot.api.utilities.impl.Condition;
    import org.dreambot.api.wrappers.interactive.Entity;
    import org.dreambot.api.wrappers.interactive.GameObject;
    import org.dreambot.api.wrappers.interactive.NPC;
    @ScriptManifest(name = "PimsLumbridgeSmelter", version = 1.0, description = "Lumbridge Smelting", category = Category.SMITHING, author = "Pims")
    public class MainClass extends AbstractScript {
        Area bankArea = BankLocation.getNearest(getLocalPlayer()).getArea(2);
        Tile smeltery = new Tile(3227, 3255);
        //walk to nearest bank
        //take 14 tin and 14 copper
        //walk to furnace
        //smelt bronze
        //walk to nearest bank
        //bank bars
        private boolean startScript = true;
        public void onStart() {
            log("starting up");
        public int onLoop() {
            //walk to nearest bank
            if (startScript) {
                if (getInventory().onlyContains(item -> item != null && item.getName().contains(" ore"))) {
                    if (getLocalPlayer().getTile().equals(smeltery)) {
                    } else {
                if ((getInventory().isFull() && !getInventory().onlyContains(item -> item != null && item.getName().contains("ore")))
                        || getInventory().onlyContains(item -> item != null && item.getName().contains(" bar"))) {
                    if (bankArea.contains(getLocalPlayer())) {
                    } else {
            return 600;
        public void WalkToSmelter() {
            if (getWalking().walk(smeltery.getTile())) {
                sleep(Calculations.random(3000, 6000));
        public void WalkToBank() {
            if (getWalking().walk(bankArea.getCenter())) {
                sleep(Calculations.random(3000, 6000));
        public void Smelt(){
            GameObject furnace = getGameObjects().closest(gameObject -> gameObject != null && gameObject.getName().equals("Furnace") && gameObject.hasAction("Smelt"));
            if(furnace != null && furnace.interact("Smelt")){
                log("Smelting bars");
                if(sleepUntil(() -> (getWidgets().getWidget(270) != null), 8000)){
                log("not okay");
                log("Done sleeping for Furnace");
        public void Bank() {
            NPC banker = getNpcs().closest(npc -> npc != null && npc.hasAction("Bank"));
            if (getBank().isOpen() || (banker != null && banker.interact("Bank") && sleepUntil(() -> !getInventory().isFull(), 9000))) {
                if (getBank().depositAllItems()) {
                    if (sleepUntil(() -> !getInventory().isFull(), 8000)) {
                        if (getBank().withdraw(item -> item != null && item.getName().equals("Tin ore"), 14)
                                && getBank().withdraw(item -> item != null && item.getName().equals("Copper ore"), 14)) {
                            if (sleepUntil(() -> getInventory().isFull(), 8000)) {
                                if (getBank().close()) {
                                    sleepUntil(() -> !getBank().isOpen(), 8000);


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