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    I looked on here but didn't see this bug. I've had happen with from two scripts now, so I assume it wasn't just the script. 


    If I stop the script and resume the same one, it will automatically start the previous activity, but then I'll push start on the new GUI and it will change the activity to what I want.


    Great example is Manly's Chopper. I use it because it sets a tile location around where I am when I start the script. When I want to switch what I'm cutting, it will load the previous settings and location before I can even set the new tile limits, throwing everything off. 


    Of course this doesn't happen if I close down the client before starting it. I've also noticed that this impacts the stats in the paint. Seems like memory isn't being completely cleared when stopping a script?

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    Oh, I didn't know refreshing the script loader solved it. 


    But I think it makes sense to clear the static values when you stop the script. 

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    Oh, I didn't know refreshing the script loader solved it. 


    But I think it makes sense to clear the static values when you stop the script. 


    Yeah, db doesnt like static stuff :P

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