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  • ~~~~~Gold Farmer Questing~~~~~


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    My Terms of Service
    1. You will always go first ( or we will use a middleman at your Expense)
    2. I have the right to refuse any order for whatever reason 
    3.You are not allowed to log in to the accounts that I am working on until the service is complete
    4. At the time of payment I will ask for some items in order to complete the Quests in a timely Manner (if you do not supply the items there will be a small charge per account of 50k)
    5. Once the Service is complete you will be required to change the password of the account 
    6. You will leave a positive vouch on my service page once the service is complete
    7. You will provide feedback that you feel is appropiate to the work that was done 
    8. If the accounts that I am working on have any wealth that you feel uneasy about leaving on while i do the service it is up to you transfer that wealth onto another account for the duration of the service

    Good luck with this man!


    Just a little tip; type the order form on the thread itself, and not as an image on the thread layout. Makes it much easier for people to just copy paste when ordering :P


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