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  • Saphique_TDE

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      Saphique_TDE reacted to BotHarder Uni in All breaks repeatedly deleting   
      Can confirm this happend to me once all my DB settings where defaulted covert off breaks disappeared and shit 
    2. Like
      Saphique_TDE got a reaction from of Guthix in All breaks repeatedly deleting   
      I have been using Dreambot and some premium scripts for at least two years now. They have been working magnificently. 
      Starting a few weeks ago, all of my breaks would suddenly be completely gone. After rebuilding the list (somewhere between 7-10 breaks) they stay for a few days, then randomly disappear again. I cannot nail down any external happenings that would cause this or are correlated with when it happens. I am running windows server 2019, very stable environment with no other applications running on that user. 
      anyone have any ideas of why this might be happening? 
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