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  • YoHoJo

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    Everything posted by YoHoJo

    1. Thanks for the solid tut script, runs smoothly! Curious, what API do you use to check the IP (Specifically to get the `Datacenter` status)
    2. Is it a SOCKS or http proxy? Dreambot only accepts SOCKS proxies. You can see recommended proxy providers + coupon codes in sidebar at https://rsbotspot.com Most datacenter proies result in an account lock after tut, that's normal and you can unlock afterwords.
    3. Contact the proxy provider, ask them if it's up.
    4. excuse the double post, I don't have edit perms. Is there a download you can add to OP?
    5. Congrats and thanks for release! Would be nice to see an xp/hr tracker too, interested in what kind of rates this can get.
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