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  • ity94

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    Posts posted by ity94

    1. currently getting this error


      11:19:02 pm: [INFO] Connecting to server...
      11:19:05 pm: [INFO] You have successfully been logged in as ity94!
      11:19:05 pm: [INFO] Your current rank(s):
      11:19:05 pm: [WARN] This script had a problem starting. Check the console for more info.
      11:19:05 pm: [WARN] This error usually happens if it's an instanced script and you're running too many instances.
      11:19:05 pm: [WARN] If you think this is incorrect, please try waiting a couple minutes and try again.
      11:21:46 pm: [INFO] Successfully refreshed scripts!
      11:21:50 pm: [INFO] Now loading Code[ Combat AIO...
      11:21:50 pm: [INFO] Saving client settings...
      11:21:50 pm: [INFO] Client settings saved successfully!
      11:21:50 pm: [INFO] Successfully saved client settings!
      11:21:57 pm: [WARN] This script had a problem starting!
      11:21:57 pm: [ERROR] Error occurred while trying to start script:
          at org.dreambot.2v.findClass(2v.java:65)
          at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:588)
          at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:521)
          at java.base/java.lang.Class.getDeclaredConstructors0(Native Method)
          at java.base/java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredConstructors(Class.java:3137)
          at java.base/java.lang.Class.getConstructor0(Class.java:3342)
          at java.base/java.lang.Class.newInstance(Class.java:556)
          at org.dreambot.api.script.ScriptManager.start(ScriptManager.java:211)
          at org.dreambot.api.script.ScriptManager.start(ScriptManager.java:178)
          at org.dreambot.2m.lambda$null$2(2m.java:150)
          at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:834)


    2. Ran script this morning and worked more or less flawlessly until the end of romeo and juliet where it has to wait for the cutscene between romeo and juliet in the crypt. Instead of waiting for the cutscene and finishing the quest, it got most of the way through the dialogue and just clicked straight back upstairs, and then repeated this loop until i stepped in and manually let the cutscene play and quest finish.

      Solid effort though!


    3. Enjoy.


      Hey, thanks for the feedback. It has to pay the 2.5k when starting because there's no other way for me to determine when the 10 minutes has passed. It could be that it's not timing it correctly :o . I'll consider the suggestions you made!

      Yeah thats ok, had a feeling that might be the case, its only 2.5k! And hey, thanks for listening! Still a great script none the less, cheers mate!

    4. Hey mate, after restarting the script and trying again, it actually ran for a good few hours while making the right payments, might have just bugged out when i loaded it in the client or something but the first run i did it spend like an hours worth in about half an hour. Im notw over 60 smithing so i cant try and re-create it, sorry :(
      One thing i did notice is, for under 60 smiting you cant put coins in the coffer until you have paid the foreman. however you cant start the script until you have money in the coffer. Then, because the script wasnt live when you pay the foreman to allow you to put it in the coffer, it straight away pays him again. This is only 2.5k and only regularly happened when starting the script. Seems like a very small issue but just thought i'd let you know!

      Any chance of added swapping between golden gauntlets and ice gloves support? Or too much hassle for what its worth. Also, is there any way to add an algorithm so that instead of drinking stam pots as soon as the buff runs out (even if on 100% run energy) it will at least wait till like 60% energy or so? Once again not a big issue, but would save quite a few sips over time!
      Also any chance of speeding it up in anyway? Im reporting approx 1k addy bars an hour. I understand trying to get the whole 2.4k an hour is probably a bit to ask, but surely we could be closer to the 1.8-2k range? Or am i doing something wrong?

      Tops script if you ask me mate, keep it up!

    5. Ohhhk ok, i guess that makes sense then. I have come back to the bot a few times now and all it is doing is running from one obstacle rock to the next, it completely bypasses all the veins in the wall and just continuously runs around mining the obstacle rocks for 10xp. Any reason as to this might be happening? Before i caught it just standing at one obstacle rock, mining it, and just standing there until the rock respawned. These two things are definitely quite suspicious. Great core script though, definitely some good stuff here!

    6. Looking good so far mate!  Thanks for the trial, ill post back hopefully with a proggie!

      Was wondering, why exactly cant the pickaxe be equipped when using motherlode mine? I know its not a lot but losing that extra inventory space every time adds up over time! Wondering if there is any way around this? Also, is there any way to reduce the time between clicks taken? Im using almost no antiban and sometimes the response time between actions seems sooo slow. seems to waste a lot of xp/profit. It will also sometimes run past perfefctly good veins with no one around, waste time mining obstacle rocks to get further away from the middle and mine right next to someone. It will also waste time mining both obstacle rocks, even when one only needs to be cleared. This happens whenever there are 2 possible rocks you could clear next to each other. Things like this, to me, appear suspicious and both really slow the script down.

      Im at 63 mining atm so should be getting at least like 25k/h (more like 29k). Im getting max 15k/h as stated in the paint. Any way i can fix this? or is this just the speed the bot runs at

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