Class PathFinder<T extends Locatable>

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class PathFinder<T extends Locatable>
    extends java.lang.Object
    A base PathFinder class for local pathfinders like our LocalPathFinder

    This class generally doesn't need to be used if you're just trying to walk, see Walking.walk(Tile) instead

    For global pathfinding across regions, see WebFinder instead

    • Constructor Detail

      • PathFinder

        public PathFinder​(int maxDepth)
    • Method Detail

      • addBlacklistedTile

        public void addBlacklistedTile​(Tile tile)
        This will add a tile to not be allowed in the final LocalPath calculated.

        Note: This method does not stop the walker from walking through it, only the paths we calculate.

        tile - the tile to blacklist
      • removeBlacklistedTile

        public void removeBlacklistedTile​(Tile t)
      • isBlacklisted

        public boolean isBlacklisted​(Tile t)
      • clearBlacklist

        public void clearBlacklist()
      • calculate

        public AbstractPath<T> calculate​(Tile start,
                                         Tile end)
        Calculates a path from the start tile to the end tile
        start - start Tile
        end - end Tile
        a valid path with at least one tile, or an empty path if we were unable to find a valid path
      • calculate

        public AbstractPath<T> calculate​(int x1,
                                         int y1,
                                         int x2,
                                         int y2)
        Calculate a walkable abstract path from the start tile location (sx, sy) to the destination tile location (dx, dy), using data provided by the tile map. Assumes z coordinate is 0
        x1 - the starting grid X coordinate.
        y1 - the starting grid Y coordinate.
        x2 - the destination grid X coordinate.
        y2 - the destination grid Y coordinate.
        the abstract path from the start to destination if a path is found, if unable to find path it will return null.
      • calculate

        public AbstractPath<T> calculate​(int x1,
                                         int y1,
                                         int x2,
                                         int y2,
                                         int z)
        Calculate a walkable abstract path from the start tile location (x1, y1,z) to the destination tile location (x2, y2,z), using data provided by the tile map.
        x1 - the starting grid X coordinate.
        y1 - the starting grid Y coordinate.
        x2 - the destination grid X coordinate.
        y2 - the destination grid Y coordinate.
        z - the z coordinate
        the abstract path from the start to destination if a path is found, if unable to find path it will return null.
      • addObstacle

        public void addObstacle​(PathObstacle obstacle)
        Adds an obstacle to the available obstacle choices list

        Example usage:

         PathObstacle doorObstacle = new PassableObstacle("Big door", "Open");
         PathObstacle rockfallObstacle = new DestructableObstacle("Rockfall", "Mine");
        obstacle - the obstacle to add
      • removeObstacle

        public void removeObstacle​(PathObstacle obstacle)
        Removes the obstacle from the available obstacles
        obstacle - the obstacle to remove from the pathfinder
      • getMovementCost

        public float getMovementCost​(int sx,
                                     int sy,
                                     int ex,
                                     int ey,
                                     int z)
      • getNode

        public PathNode getNode​(int x,
                                int y,
                                int z)
      • calculate

        public abstract AbstractPath<T> calculate​(int x1,
                                                  int y1,
                                                  int z1,
                                                  int x2,
                                                  int y2,
                                                  int z2)
        Calculates an AbstractPath from the start location (x1,y1,z1) to the destination tile location (x2,y2,z2)
        x1 - the starting grid X coordinate.
        y1 - the starting grid Y coordinate.
        z1 - the starting grid Z coordinate.
        x2 - the destination grid X coordinate.
        y2 - the destination grid Y coordinate.
        z2 - the destination grid Z coordinate
      • hasObstacle

        public boolean hasObstacle​(int x,
                                   int y,
                                   int z,
                                   int dir)
      • getObstacle

        public PathObstacle getObstacle​(int x,
                                        int y,
                                        int z,
                                        int dir)
      • isInPossibleObstacles

        public boolean isInPossibleObstacles​(GameObject object)
      • isDirWall

        public boolean isDirWall​(java.lang.String dir,
                                 int flag)
      • getDirection

        public java.lang.String getDirection​(int sx,
                                             int sy,
                                             int ex,
                                             int ey)
      • addWebOnlyObstacleTile

        public void addWebOnlyObstacleTile​(Tile tile)
        Adds a tile for the local walker to ignore obstacles
        tile - The tile of the obstacle
      • removeWebOnlyObstacleTile

        public void removeWebOnlyObstacleTile​(Tile tile)
        Removes a tile from the web only obstacle tile list
        tile - The tile of the obstacle to be removed
      • isTileWebOnly

        public boolean isTileWebOnly​(Tile tile)
      • checkTileCondition

        public boolean checkTileCondition​(Tile tile)
      • clearTileConditions

        public void clearTileConditions()
      • addTileCondition

        public void addTileCondition​(Tile tile,
                                     Condition c)
      • removeTileCondition

        public void removeTileCondition​(Tile tile)
      • onWebNodeVersionUpdate

        public void onWebNodeVersionUpdate()
      • reset

        public void reset()
      • getBlacklistedTiles

        public java.util.Set<Tile> getBlacklistedTiles()