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    Hello, is anybody suffering the same problem? No matter how much I try, it keeps giving me the "Failed to connect to server!" error. Yesterday I was playing without issues.


    works just fine here, but it happened to me once before after DB update and all you need to do is delete all the DB files, delete java, reinstall java AND THEN run DB launcher as Admin, be sure to restart the pc before you do so and your internet, if it doesn't work just repeat 3-5 times it should let u login eventually.


    Atm Dreambot server is down. Thats why we can't launch DreamBot. We should keep calm and wait untill server up soon ;)


    Keep calm!??!!??!! 
    I almost started playing the game legit.


    i tried this on my work pc. but cant reinstall java or open as administrator since i do not have those preferences. any other solution? 


    You have to uninstall Java, re-install it on your documents folder, then move it to C:/, delete the DB launcher, download it and place it on Downloads folder, reboot the system, and then play the actual RS client god dammit

    13 minutes ago, ohad152 said:

    @swappa001 you to reinstall windows first

    I reinstalled Windows and the client started working. FYI you also need to uninstall Spotify. If you don't have it installed, install it and then delete it.


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