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  • sjd6795

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    sjd6795 last won the day on July 14 2023

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    1. It's all automatic, unsure if we have more control over it. But it will randomly do short afk breaks and then it will also log out and take longer breaks. And my question for Aeglen can you please set a ping limit for world hoping? I hate when the bot hops to a world that is not even hosted from my country or allow us to set the worlds it hops to based on our location.
    2. Please add safe spots for range and mage, low level struggles and uses so much food and teleporting
    3. How come, you cannot save simple gear configurations? I change the gear every single time I launch the script because there is no save button, also some gear items are missing from the search list. One example is adamant kiteshield. I try to export and import but that doesn't work either.
    4. Same seems like botting is not worth it anymore. Every script is detectable.
    5. Hello, the shield of arrav get stuck in few places. When searching for the book in library it just spam clicks but doesnt actually search and also when buying the items for 20gp it will stand there trying to buy over and over.
    6. Sorry never got back to you, seems like you did a lot of updates related to my issue of the ammo not restocking, seems another user had the same issue above. I will test the script out again later today. Thank you!
    7. Been having issues the past few days with the script, most of the time it starts up just fine. I've already farmed over 20m with the same profile nothing has changed, but seems like something isn't right with the restocking now. The bot just opens the bank and continues to say it needs to restock but it never restocks and just repeats an endless loop. It's also saying it is missing items that it does have in the bank. DreamBot-1688800149549.log
    8. So far the script is running really well on my range pure don't have to deal with many pkers due to the low level but when it does have PKers it does pretty good at getting away, but it doesn't always use the correct prayer, if they equip a melee weapon but cast magic it will camp protect melee taking all the mage hits without protection. I have also noticed it hops worlds when it doesn't need too, after I got away from a PK attempt it hopped worlds then teleported to edgevile, once it got to edgevile it then hopped again, I would rather it teleport away instead of hopping worlds after escaping because you don't know if you are going to log into another pker on different world. Also sometimes when getting to the revenants and it's empty it will randomly hop sometimes going to a world that has someone.
    9. Is there any way to set teleportation/travel options and also the amount of supplies it buys? It burns through so many glories, ROW, ring of dueling's, and also spends so much time traveling around to clan wars then back to the GE then it will go edge to get a task then back to the GE to gear up. It doesn't seem very optimized in it's pathing at all. It also has to GE after every single task because it doesn't stock up on enough supplies.
    10. I understand this. I have already been using the script prior to the update. I only enabled agility and it goes and only does agility until the set level before the update happened. But after the update happened same exact settings, and only agility enabled and level set but it does other activities now.
    11. Hey so when I select agility and enter my desired level it isn't doing the rooftop courses anymore after the client update. The first time I started it, it went to craft lava runes, the second time I started it, it went to profit: motherload mine.
    12. Brand new account Tutorial island by hand Sub advanced quester (trained on non mem) Sub spidine (trained on non mem) Purchased membership around 45 combat & 29 QP Continued to quest & spidine on member until around 50 combat & 50 QP 500 total level Running sub spidine with breaks setup currently @ 7.5 hours running All good so far! Seeing if it's able to suicide with breaks and manage to get 100% completed. I have a few other quest scripts I will run once this is done. I am able to bot around 200QP total.
    13. Ok and didn't mean to come off rude if it seemed that way. I'm very blunt when explaining things, I noticed it does use them on some but a lot of the traveling is spent walking. Maybe add super energy potion support considering it's cheaper?
    14. Can you add customizable gear setups? My guy that's 100% botted with fire capes and all sorts of other equipment is literally running around in a dragon med, rune kite, and regular black cape.. The bot also does not use stamina potion even if you select for it.. I spent a lot of money on lifetime, can you please address these issues. You don't even reply to half of the post. This is the forums and platform your bots are designed on, you need to provide support here.
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